Friday, June 17, 2011

Quail Family

It all happened so quickly. I'm sorry that I don't have better pictures to share.

Mother, Father and Chicks

Yesterday, from inside the house, I noticed a mother, father and dozen or so chicks in the backyard. 

Gambel's Quail Mother with Youngsters

They really blended in with the ground as they scratched around for food.

How many chicks below?  The 4th one at the lower right looks nearly invisible.

I didn't know if they had hatched in the backyard or what.  After snapping a few pictures through the glass window, the neighbors' cat came into the yard.  Could the chicks fly?  Yes, well enough!

See the little tuft of head feathers?

Quail Chick in Mesquite Tree

Father and Child

Happy Father's Day Weekend. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Purple Martins

Yes, we have Purple Martins in the desert!  Instead of nesting in man-made bird houses or gourds, here they use cavities in saguaro cactus made by woodpeckers. Martins are active chatty birds, fun to watch and cute!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Curve-billed Thrashers

To the right of the trail, in the cholla cactus--

a young curve-billed thrasher,

and parent!

Further on up the trail, another curve-billed thrasher enjoying a saguaro blossom

and singing a surprisingly sweet song.