Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekend Reflections - Downtown Tucson

Because of all the buildings with glass windows, downtown is a great place to see reflections. Chris and I were there last Sunday to watch a running event. Maybe we'll go back again someday and spend more time just leisurely walking around.

It was fun looking for distorted lines and abstract designs in reflections:

And there were palm trees galore!

This is my fourth Downtown Tucson post from that whirlwind visit and I still have at least three more to go.

Weekend Reflections is a meme for any type of reflection photos. To participate or see more reflective posts, visit James at Newtown Area Photo.


James said...

I really like these reflections. They remind me of abstract art. The lines, shapes and color are really cool. The palm trees add a nice touch too.

SquirrelQueen said...

The reflections are great, I love all the palm trees. The lines and colors are wonderful, you captured them beautifully.

Tom said...

The first few are very artistic.... James is so right about how they look 'abstact'...

Wiggers World

rainfield61 said...

The reflection is somehow similar to clouds, they appear in very different patterns.


Icy BC said...

These are amazing, Diane! You capture them beautifully!

penny said...

My what a fabulous series of reflection shots. Well done, Tricia:)

Thérèse said...

Abstract designs are my favorites, so your picture Nr 3 really caught my eye!

cieldequimper said...

So many gorgeous reflections in one post! It's almost too much to take in! ;-) Beautiful post.

Unknown said...

I love reflections - lovely photos

Kevin said...

What a wonderful series of relection images. My favorite is the first one.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I like the distortion in the windows too. It looks like art. ;-)

Lindy said...

Another fine example of your creativeness! They're all interesting but the third one really catches my eye.

Regina said...

Beautiful captures like an abstracts painting!

"My Weekend Reflections Post"

Ezhilan said...

The reflections of the trees looks like, as though the trees are inside the building. With contrasting different backgrounds the designs looks nice.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Really LOVE these Diane. They make such interesting shapes in the glass.

Carolyn Ford said...

Such amazing windows and they are capturing amazing reflections...these are beautiful! Desert palm trees are so majestic!

Ebie said...

With your reflection series, I can visualize how downtown Tucson looks like. I work in downtown LA, so I relate to the tall buildings!

Great photos, Diane, and I don't blame for wanting to go back. There's a lot to explore!

Suburban Girl said...

Wow those are some really cool many possibilities. Nice job.

VioletSky said...

These are wonderful. Like those amusement park mirrors.

Martha Z said...

Great shots, Diane. It looks like the put an extra reflective coating on the window, give a very interesting effect.

webruci said...

Perfect and beautiful reflections and images.

Have a nice Sunday.

Dimple said...

What a nice variety of reflections!

Anonymous said...

My first impression is heat warped mirages. Very nice.

Crafty Green Poet said...

wonderful reflections, i love wanderign round towns finding these types of reflections in glass buildings...

Cherry said...

your abstract/reflection shots R-O-C-K! you have an eye for exquisite arts, Diane!

Alicia said...

Beautiful photos, love the third one! I don't believe I've ever been to downtown Tucson. Thanks for sharing.

Unseen India Tours said...

BEautiful and lovely shots !! Nice post !! Thanks for sharing the beauty !!Unseen Rajasthan

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!