Friday, November 20, 2009

Morning Reflections

To see other people's reflections, visit James at Weekend Reflections.


Bonjour Luxembourg said...

Adorable details and reflections!
The second shot is my favourite!
Well done!
Happy weekend reflections,

XoXo said...

Magnificent Diane, like that first and last photos...

Sunny said...

These are lovely, creative reflections and such wonderful colors.
Sunny :)

Ebie said...

Hi Diane, I love the burning colors and trees reflected on your car! You have a wonderful location to see both sunrise and sunset!

James said...

These are really good. I can't decide which of the top three I like best. The are like framed artworks.

Nefertiti said...

very nice, I love the first photo

good w end

Gaelyn said...

Such a colorful morning to walk around your house looking for reflections. Excellent. I like them all.

My name is Riet said...

LOvely pictures with great reflections.

Anonymous said...

Excellent reflections. Good job!

Unknown said...

Lovely windows, especially the second one. The eyes have to fill in the gaps for continuity of the picture. I find that really interesting.

Carol said...

Great reflection shots of that beautiful sunrise! Very creative views...

VioletSky said...

the second one has the look of a triptyct, but I am really drawn to the last one with the light on the soft greys of the car, stones, sidewalk, rail.

Kat said...

These are really beautiful. The colors are glorious. I especially like the second shot. Kathy

Annie Jeffries said...

Your practiced eye finds the most interesting reflections.

Bill ~ {The Old Fart} said...

wonderful reflections. Great Creative Eye you have for them.

rainfield61 said...

Such a good capture of reflection. The world is reflected at anywhere, but how about ourselves?

Anonymous said...

I really like the subtle nature of these photos. Very nice.

cieldequimper said...

Superb way of greeting the new day!

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful, Diane! I love all the reflections in your photos.

SquirrelQueen said...

I love all of these shots Diane but the first one framed in yellow is my favorite. Great captures.

betchai said...

love all your pictures Diane, but the first are my faves. one of the things i love in the desert is their spectacular sunrise and sunset and night skies.

Quilt Works said...

What I like best is the clever shot with the wildshield!

...Heavenly reflection!

Thérèse said...

The third one has my vote...
Have a nice weekend!

Salitype said...

such lovely sunrise perfectly reflected in your shots!

ahhh! beautiful morn!

FO - 2 said...

Beautiful series. :)

penny said...

You have a wonderful collection of reflections, Diane. I like how the yellow frames the first one. Well done.

Crafty Green Poet said...

nice series of reflections

Martha Z said...

I've fallen behind and missed some great posts from you. I enjoyed the quotes and photos in the Nov 18post. That's a neat effect in the second shot.
We went down to Stockton for a couple of days to see the Sandhill Cranes.

Quasi Serendipita said...

Great reflections! I especially like the first one - the yellow window frames make me think of summer mornings...lovely!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You have captured more beautiful reflections here Diane. Really lovely.

storyteller said...

Morning is my favorite time of day and I love all your beautiful, unique sunrise reflections! My 'reflections' are at my Small Reflections blog, but I dropped by to let you know I've left you a little something at Sacred Ruminations today.
Hugs and blessings,

kanishk said...

I can't decide which of the top three I like best

Work from home India

DoanLegacy said...

Wonderful reflections photos! They all look like mosaic on the window panes..and reflection on the wind shield has such gorgeous colors of the sky!