Monday, November 9, 2009

Seeing Red - at the gardens

Little bits of red here and there at Tucson Botanical Gardens:



Broad-billed hummingbird

Baja Fairy Duster

Mystery flower, Bottlebrush,
Shrimp plant, Pyracantha

To see more red Ruby Tuesday posts, visit


Unknown said...

Stunning red on green, nice touch. What an unusual looking plant at the bottom left (shrimp plant).

Nice photos.

Martha Z said...

Lots of rubies in that garden, nice.

Sunny said...

Lovely reds, I especially like the hummingbird.
Sunny :)

rainfield61 said...

I love the hummingbird. You got me smiling.

Nice bird and nice photography.

Ralph said...

These are all lovely reds! The desert flowers of beauty, but the bill on the hummingbird is great, it has great length yet it is so delicate. Perfect avian ruby!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Marvelous glimpses of RUBY red ... my fav is the photo of the hummingbird ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful photos, Diane! The pomegranate looks so delicious :-)

Anonymous said...

I bet the Tucson Botanical Garden is wonderful! I've been to a desert garden in Phoenix but I'm sure Tucson is slightly different...or maybe a LOT different, I'm not sure.

life's journey said...

Nice and pretty shots of flowers...happy ruby Tuesday.

Gaelyn said...

Lots of red bloosoms. The pomagranite looks like a chinese lantern.

pinkyshelo said...

Lovely photos.. Great specks of reds..

Lindy said...

Gorgeous reds, one and all. That hummer is quite cute!

DrillerAA said...

Great photo set, but I really like the broad billed hummingbird. It is a truly excellent capture. Have a great Ruby Tuesday.

eden said...

gorgeous shots. I love to eat pomegranate.

Happy Ruby Tuesday

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love pomegranate juice but not the real fruit, so sour hehehe..

Please come and find out what our little fashionista has to say.

Ezhilan said...
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Ezhilan said...

The Baja Fairy Duster flower looks like a hanging light. The Broad-billed hummingbird looks amusing. Nice captures.

Loree said...

Awesome pomegranate. Love your hints of red.

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful reds, I love the hummingbird. The Baja Fairy Duster is so pretty, I've never seen that one before.

Annie Jeffries said...

Your photos show great delicacy.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

The photographs are simply superb. I liked the pomegranate and hummingbird photographs the most — very beautiful :)

Dagdusheth Ganpati

Cherry said...

red rocks! my fave is the red bird beak! happy red RT!

mark's tails said...

Great Pics, I agree with others, love the hummingbird photo.

Prospero said...

It amazes me how many of the same plants can be grown in Arizona as can be grown in Bermuda. All the plants you mentioned are commonly found on the island.

Sandy Trefger said...

Lots of beautiful stunning reds! Love your photos. I hope to post a few red photos later today to my blog. Busy day, so we'll see.

Stephanie V said...

Oh, how wonderful to see some of your flowers - and a hummer! They are all so beautiful.

Linnea said...

You found a lot of lovely red there! Beautiful. In particular though, I love the bird shot.

Marice said...

those are great entries and i love that cute hummingbird :)

u may view mine if u have time

cieldequimper said...

That's a lovely ruby post! And thank you for putting my blogs on your blogroll.

Tes said...

I have been wanting to know the name of that last red, pyracantha! Now I know what's it called -yay! Thanks Diane!

Beautiful capture, by the way.

moosh said...

Great shots. How did you get the hummingbird to sit still? HRT

Carol said...

Great series of shots, and the photo collage is also beautiful. Marvelous light and composition. You've captured a stunning shot of the hummingbird with the back light, his feathers show off and the moisture on his bill so delicate.

Ebie said...

Lots of reds! I always call the last one, berries, now I know.

I've seen the fairy duster once only in one of the gardens we visited last year.

Love to eat pomegranate, its delicious.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Red! I love Red!

betchai said...

oh, those are beautiful reds diane. thanks for naming them, i am so poor with names and I learn the names of some I had been meaning to search for :)