Monday, December 14, 2009

Mellow Yellow Monday - Lance Armstrong

Lance Armstrong, seven-time winner of Tour de France and cancer survivor, was in Tucson last week promoting his new book and training with his cycling teams.

Armstrong signed books for one hour yesterday at Border's Books at Park Place Mall. Many fans were waiting in line snapping pictures and some wore yellow in his honor.

Here is Armstrong's cycling team heading down Sabino Canyon road on Friday morning.
Was Lance Armstrong actually riding with his team in these photos? We don't know.

Armstrong's Comeback 2.0: Up Close and Personal is a photo-journal of his 2009 comeback season with the goal to take the LIVESTRONG message around the world. If you click on the photo below you can visit his website where you can see sample photos from the book.

For more Mellow Yellow Monday posts, Click on the yellow butterfly below:


Stephanie V said...

Lance Armstrong is such an inspiration. How lucky for you to have that opportunity. And it's yellow!

D said...

Hi, I just found your delightful blog and photos. Thank you.

Lance Armstrong, what a phenomenal individual.

storyteller said...

Wonderful post featuring this amazing athlete ... perfect for MYM!
Hugs and blessings,

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow--that's neat that you got to 'see' Lance Armstrong, Diane. I always admired him so much--especially after coming back from cancer. WOW!!!!

You can pretend that Lance himself was in that group of bikers... ha


Ayie said...

i believe it's a good cause to come out in the open and give hope to all other people, one remarkable survivor!

Anya said...

Yers I now him also

Jemina said...

Wow, lots of yellow in there..Noble Armstrong, more power to him. Love your shot. thanks for sharing.

Yellow Lily in Sicily

Unknown said...

Nice photos - lots of yellow.

Lance said...

Very cool! I find his story of comeback to be very inspirational. So neat that he was in your neck of the woods...

Anonymous said...

One of the very nice benefits of being in a warm, sunny climate this time of year! Very cool!

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Wow. You were there too?

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Wow..great photos Diane, and to see him this close must be thrilling..

Eden said...

I heard a little about him. Thanks for the info and link. I will check it out.

Great shots !

Loree said...

Wow. Cool.

DoanLegacy said...

This is an awesome post! I would love to see him in person..