Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sepia Saguaro Skeleton

Fun with sepia and layers in Photoshop:
full sepia

half-sepia lights

half-sepia darks

sepia close-up

half-sepia vertical-horizontal montage
sparrow on branch
sparrow-saguaro montage

For more posts with sepia-toned photos, visit Mary T/TheTeach at Sepia Scenes.


Day4plus said...

Wow, that is very interesting. I have never seen a skeleton like that. Love the Sparrow specially the last pic. MB

Marice said...

love the variations! my fave it the first one :) thanks for sharing!

u may view mine here

Marie said...

Lovely to see the variations. Light and color really make a change.

Perry said...

Interesting work. Favorite is the first, full sepia. Next favorite is the last, making the bird look like a watercolor painting. Well done.

My Color Photo Blog
My Monochrome Blog

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful photos, Diane..I like the look and feel in each picture..

Annie Jeffries said...

I am always astounded by the ribs of a dying/dead Saguaro. Deeply moving and majestic. The little bird takes my heart.


Teri said...

Great photo work of a wonderful subject!!

Unknown said...

Nice capture of the little sparrow.

Ayie said...

All shots are great...full, half...

happy WW!

MsRay said...

They're all beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The cacti are so arty looking when they begin to decay. They make great photo subjects!

Ralph said...

Love the sepia on the top photos. The tan sepia seems to be right for the desert when not in bloom. Many years ago when I visited AZ in the summer (110-115F), and the summer colors tended more toward gray. This monochrome really gives a warm (not the desert temps!) look to the tree. The tones are softer here, The original is a natural beauty, the sepia a nice enhancement!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, My fav is the 2nd picture. The half-sepia one is gorgeous!!!! BUT--they are all nice.

Stephanie said...

I like the 4th one. It made me think what's behind ;-) Nice works!

Lindy said...

Beautiful images, as always. The last one looks as if it could be a watercolor. Very creative!

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

I like the photos of the birds.

Loree said...

Interesting pics. It's fantastic what you can do with Photoshop.

Anya said...

So many variations
with photoshopping
I now i play also with it :-)
Thanks for the beautiful differents

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Very interesting Diane. I like the secons one: half sepia lights. It make a great pic.

Jeannette StG said...

Layers is the part of Photo shop I'm procrastinating to learn! Good for you -you did it:)

Lance said...

The cloud formations really add so much to these photos!

rainfield61 said...

Everybody looks so "fat" in winter time.

Leslie said...

Ooh! I really like that last image. Looks like a painting.

cieldequimper said...

Fabulous series, the sparrow is amazing too, even without the montage.

Nancy Bea Miller said...

Wowza Momma! Great shots!

DoanLegacy said...

These are the best Sepia photos I've seen. It shows that you took great care to produce them!

Anonymous said...

Nice series. The first sparrow shot is my favorite.