Friday, December 11, 2009

Weekend Reflections - Creek

desert rain
settling into dark pools
autumn colors

See more reflections at Weekend Reflections, hosted by James.


rainfield61 said...

The creek reminds you on the beauty of your neighbourhood.

Teri said...

Wow, gorgeous reflections!

Gaelyn said...

Wonderful reflections Diane. I'm always amazed at the incredible contrast of water in the desert.

Anonymous said...

So very beautiful reflections, Diane! The colors of the trees are fantastic!

XoXo said...

Beautiful reflections Diane, so dreamy.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

I especially like that third one.

Blessing Reflections said...

Beautiful reflections of nature! It looks so peaceful and serene!

Johnny Nutcase said...

those are some clean reflections, really colorful. Nice photos!

Prospero said...

Beautiful shots, Diane. For some reason, I never really thought of a desert as having seasons (silly, I know). But I see how gorgeous autumn in the desert can be.

Julie said...

Each of your photographs has a wonderful reflection but the first resonates with me the most. It has something to do with the sharpness of the rocks full centre.

You have done a marvelous job of capturing the reflection with such clarity and depth. Did you use a tripod or was the water mill-pond still.

Just gorgeous.

Salitype said...

look how calm the water's like looking in the mirror!..beautiful reflection, literally and figuratively!

Lindy said...

Now you've gone and made me homesick for Arizona. Those are really beautiful images. Makes me remember our early explorations upon first moving there. Such beauty!

Carol said...

Wow, beautiful! I especially like the first shot. What calm water in all of these...and the blue reflection is wonderful.

Unknown said...

These are great photos - very nice reflections :)

VioletSky said...

I am feeling a lot of peace in that first shot...

cieldequimper said...

That's a gorgeous place to sit for awhile. Wonderful photos!

Robin said...


Martha Z said...

Beautiful reflections, clear and sharp, better than the clearest mirror.

Sharodindu said...

sweet reflection...itz like better half of our life has returned to us in a different way....

Anonymous said...

Three good shots and a haiku. Gotta love them.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great reflection pictures, Diane... I love your new blog.

Stephanie said...

The reflection captured on the still water is beautiful! The photos are wonderful. I am sure it would be nice to walk about and to enjoy the stream, nature and the surroundings there. Great! And have a pleasant weekend.

Ebie said...

One of the best I have seen in today's meme. The photography is great and the scenery is awesome!

Pat said...

Beautiful shots, excellent reflections. AZ is indeed beautiful.

Carolyn Ford said...

Beautiful beautiful Arizona! This almost looks like Oak Creek near Flagstaff...absolutely stunning reflections and colors.

Quasi Serendipita said...

These are beautiful!

Ezhilan said...

Nice reflections in a beautiful location. I like the designs formed by the reflections of the rocks!

storyteller said...

lovely haiku and beautiful autumn reflections ... hard to choose a favorite ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
My Weekend Reflections

Anonymous said...

Those reflections are very, very nice!

Kat said...

Beautiful shots! The colors are lovely, and the reflections are wonderful. Kathy

Thérèse said...

I especially like the first picture with the reflection framed between rocks!

Ayie said...

Oh, picture perfect! This will be a great xmas card layout just put your greetings and you'll have a very nice personal card.