Sunday, January 3, 2010

Western Bluebirds

I recently saw bluebirds in the desert for the first time.
If not for the zoom on my camera, I probably wouldn't have been able to identify them. They're quite shy.
They feed on the berries of desert mistletoe, those reddish clumps hanging from the trees.
I started seeing them in December. Western Bluebirds are year-round residents of northern Arizona, however I understand that here in the southeast, they're just visiting for the winter.

Males have blue coloring where females are gray. Both have chestnut colored breasts.
I will enjoy the watching the bluebirds while they're in the area. Do you ever see bluebirds where you live?


tom sullivan said...

Pretty! I'm going to be on the lookout, thanks.

Gaelyn said...

Nice captures. I don't see them here but watch them all summer at the North Rim.

Icy BC said...

Oh my goodness, they are so beautiful, and the colors on these birds are just so dreamy!

Fantastic photos, Diane!

Ebie said...

Wow, these are great shots! They are so precious!

Congratulations to your daughter, and I am a May baby too!

Diane, thanks for our friendship in blogging, your comments serve as an inspiration to my posts!

Cheers for 2010!

Teri said...

Fantastic find and photos Diane. I saw some at Patagonia last year and was so excited to see them. They are so pretty.

Annie Jeffries said...

Awww, Diane, my heart did little flipflops when I saw these photos. I love their fat, round little bodies and the blends of blue/brown to help them mix in with the desert landscape.

We don't have bluebirds in our area at all; blue jays but no bluebirds.

Naqvee said...

they are superb ! thanks a lot fr sharing them.

eileeninmd said...

The Western bluebirds are beautiful. I would love to see them someday. I have seen the Eastern Bluebirds in my yard and the Mountain Bluebirds in Yellowstone. I have yet to see these pretty Western Bluebirds. Your photos are wonderful.

Lindy said...

These are wonderful captures of the bluebirds. They are such a pretty bird. I have never seen them in our neck of the Sonoran Desert, though there is mistletoe growing in our neighbor's tree. Will have to watch for them.

We have bluebirds here in Central Indiana and I occasionally see them in January, which totally surprises me.

betchai said...

wow, those are very beaitiful Diane, your pictures are so crisp and vivid that I can almost feel the expression of birds.

Anonymous said...

You got great shots of the birds! How did you get so close?!

Joanne Olivieri said...

They are precious and I love seeing them. I have had the occasion to see a few here in California. I even was able to capture a shot of one though not nearly as well as you have.

Diane AZ said...

Stine - I couldn't even get close enough to see what color they were with my eyes, but 20X zoom on my point-and-shoot helped a lot.

storyteller said...

What pretty little birds and what sharp eyes you have to notice ... then capture them. Thanks so much for sharing ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

rainfield61 said...

I have not seen one before,they are beautiful.

Thanks for sharing, I know another bird in m dictionary.

Lance said...

That's a great capture, Diane! And I love the contrast of blue and brown!

Tes said...

Wow...such lovely birds. Good capture, so clear! You're such a talented photographer, Diane!

Jeannette StG said...

Such cute pics of the birds! since I live in the, I don't know:)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful birds, Diane. Ours have come back to the feeders this week (now that it is so cold here)... I have some new pictures also--which I will post this week. BUT--I love seeing yours out there in Arizona.


Stephanie said...

Those bluebirds are cute ;-) Good to see them having 'friends'/company (other birds) and you as well!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I just saw the news about your daughter. Congrats Grandma!! :) Is this going to be your first grandchild Diane?

Loree said...

I've never seen bluebirds. They are really pretty.

Unknown said...

Fab shots - I like the last one the most! Lovely colours...

Diane AZ said...

Joan - Thanks, yes this will be my first grandchild and I'm so excited!

Chandrika Shubham said...

I liked the pics. I have never seen such a beutiful and lovely pair.

Happy New Year.
Best wishes. :)

Thérèse said...

Nice addition to the Arizona color palette!

Brenda's Arizona said...

Where? Where? No sign of any here. Lots and lots of hummingbirds. I will keep my eyes peeled, but where did you find them? Such great shots, thank you!

Ezhilan said...

The birds with blue colored heads looks nice.I like the photos with different views of the bird.

Ayie said...

lovely birds! I like the bright blue color, reminds me of our birds back home =)

Diane AZ said...

Brenda, the bluebirds were at Sabino Canyon, north of Tucson.

Martha Z said...

Great captures, Diane. I, too, use the telephoto to assist me in identifying birds.

SquirrelQueen said...

Excellent captures of the beautiful little bluebirds. I never see them here but maybe I just need to use my telephoto a little more.

Prospero said...

Happy New year, Diane. Bluebirds are often seen in Bermuda. In the distance, it is sometimes easy to miss them - but when they fly away, the blueness is unmistakable and gives them away. It's been very windy lately on the island and I have not seen one in quite some time.

Jenny said...

The guided birdwalks out at Boyce Thompson are fabulous for bird watchers, too.

Self Sagacity said...

I love birds, especially colorful ones. I don't get to see them except in the local pet store. Nice to see your pictures.

Rajesh said...

These blue birds are beautiful as well as cute.

Regina said...

Such beautiful and amazing captures!

Have great week.


Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

No Diane, I've never seen a blue bird :( But your pictures made me see them :) Really good takes.

Village Life

cieldequimper said...

All your recent posts are lovely!
Happy New Year!

Sandy said...

Great pictures of the Blue Birds! We live in the East and I only see our Blue Birds passing through in the Spring. Unfortunately, they never hang around long.


Maude Lynn said...

What gorgeous pictures! I don't think that I've ever seen them.

tom sullivan said...

I saw a flock of 8 to 10 western bluebirds at the Desert Museum today.
I might not have looked closely enough to recognize them had it not been for your pictures. Thanks

Anya said...

Your camera is really good,
perfect shots from the little birds


Diane AZ said...

Tom, how awesome that you saw bluebirds at the Desert Museum! Since I started blogging, I notice all kinds things that I didn't pay much attention to before such as clouds, shadows and reflections. I'm off to watch the sunrise right now...

DoanLegacy said...

The bird has such beautiful color, and my favorite is the second photo from the last..The whole composition is outstanding!

SquirrelQueen said...

They are so beautiful, you are lucky to see them at least part of the year. I never see any bluebirds in our area. Great photos, you have an excellent telephoto.