Thursday, February 18, 2010

Skywatch Friday


"When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky." ~Buddha
 See more Skywatch Friday posts from around the world here.


Martha Z said...

Oh, what a beautiful day you captured. Grandma would like that quote, it goes perfectly with the picture.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots.The details of the bird is captured very nicely.

eden said...

Great captures. Looks like a beautiful day. Love all the photos.

Eaglesbrother said...

Good Captures.

Happy Sky Watching.

Gaelyn said...

LOL! Nice shot.

Unknown said...

Nice pics - love the cloudy sky

Maia said...

Beautiful photos both. The first one is a beautiful setup for a painting and the little bird is a gorgeous capture.

Lorac said...

Great day with great photos!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, Great pictures... We finally saw some sunshine here today--first time since Jan. 31... Amazing!!!


Thérèse said...

This cactus wren is really a funny guy!

Joanne Olivieri said...

The contrast in the first photo with the floating clouds and lush green foreground is really cool. The second photo I absolutely LOVE!

Leslie said...

Beautiful shots. That cactus wren is great!

Anonymous said...

It looks perfect so I hope you are laughing at the sky!

ksdoolittle said...

That is the perfect quote for those photos! Good for you! ~ks

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful blue skies! Great shots and I love the Wren!

Carolyn Ford said...

That little bird won't be laughing when it gets stuck by one of those cactus needles! OUCH! You have captured beautiful desert skies. The bird on the cactus is just so cute and carefree...

Regina said...

Beautiful blue skies!
Have a lovely weekend Diane..

Kim, USA said...

A great shot. The blue sky and the bird are amazing to me. Thanks for sharing!


Lance said...

That first picture, with the clouds in the background, really is a beautiful setting...

LV said...

I love both of your shots. The bird is telling you to look up and enjoy what beauty nature is sharing.

Ebie said...

How beautiful the clouds are dancing in the blue skies!

Lindy said...

Both shots are beautiful, but that sky is fabulous!

Stephanie said...

Ouch! I hope that bird don't feel any pain...

It is so wonderful to see a blue beautiful sky here today. Nice pic Diane. thank you.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I just LOVE the composition of the first pic Diana!!

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Roadrunner is a great bird!!! Thanks for these beautiful photos!!!!

Loree said...

Perfect quote and perfect pictures.

cieldequimper said...

Diane, these are wonderful! You have the most extraordinary little fellas to photograph!

Jeannette StG said...

The 2nd pic is just sooo cute!
thanks for the "follow" -all this time I thought you were a follower:)

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

I love the second photo. Very nice.

Cherry said...

great captures as usual, and i like the Buddha quote too. ;)

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful sky, and the bird picture is fantastic..

rainfield61 said...

I like the perspective of the first photo.

I feel differently when I look at it.

Ezhilan said...

The first photo with dark green plants looks beautiful. I like the composition. The bird on the thorns looks interesting.

Jen said...

Just Lovely!!!
what is that little bird?

Unknown said...

Great skies and one brave little bird!

Kcalpesh said...

Well said and well shot!

Pixellicious Photos

Diane AZ said...

Hi Jen, The little bird is a cactus wren.

Japa said...

One good line and beautiful captures here.

cata said...

Nice pictures and nice blog. Nature itself always looks perfect.

Serendipity said...

Do you think that bird has sore feet now? :)

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful sky and I love your little cactus wren. I don't think I have seen one as close up and I love the detail on it. I also enjoyed the roadrunner in your previous post. I tried to get a photo of one when we were out that way, but my they are so fast!!!

Tes said...

Cute bird is captured nicely! Very clear! Lovely Arizona sky, Diane!

Anya said...

That cute litle bird a that cactus

JTG (Misalyn) said...

I like both photos. The cactus wren is so cute and am wondering how does it feel to stand on that cactus.

DoanLegacy said...

Gorgeous pictures, and the bird looks fantastic!

happily retired gal said...

What LOVELY skies above your beautiful desert landscape and marvelously perfect quote for your delightful bird photo! Wonderful post for Sky Watch ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

betchai said...

as always, very beautiful shots, Diane. the bird perched on top of the cactus is amazing.

Unseen India Tours said...

Amazing shots !! Bird is beautiful !!

Ayie said...

i noticed it's always sunny and bright out there =)