Thursday, February 25, 2010

Skywatching along the trail






Mostly blue skies here the past three days.  Nice weather for exploring new and old trails, watching birds and taking pictures.

For more skies from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday here.


Lindy said...

I see water in the wash. =) Beautiful views of the desert and sky, and Ms. Cardinal.

I have been meaning to mention, I like how your photos appear to be floating above your template. Are you willing to share the secret?

Enjoy your wonderful weather!

Diane AZ said...

Hi Lindy, I'm trying Windows Live Writer for composing blog posts.

Torsdag 1952 said...

Wonderful, desert, cactus and blue sky. Starting in April to see it again.
Hallo from Germany

Gaelyn said...

Love the AZ blue sky. We have too but I haven't been out much with getting rid of this cold before traveling. I love the saguaro skeleton.

Live Writer is pretty cool. Use it on the Netbook.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

These are beautiful pictures, Diane!

Unknown said...

Very nice diane. Love the close-up of the cactus. Lovely blue skies.

Have a nice weekend, Ev

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Beautiful scenery for a great and interesting SWF. Each picture is special.

Sylvia K said...

What fabulous shots! Love your blue skies and the cactus towers and such a lovely bird! Can almost feel the warmth from here! Wonderful scenery, Diane, as always! Hope you have a delightful weekend!


Anonymous said...

how original!
those are beautiful shots of a nice western scenario
i love it!

eden said...

Love all your images. Love to take a walk there :) That bird is beautiful. Love its colour.

Have a great weekend!

Regina said...

Beautiful clear skies and amazing scenes! Love all.
Great captures Diane.

Have a great weekend.

Lorac said...

What a wonderfully fat Mama Cardinal. You have captured some very nice shots! I have never seen a cactus like that up close but would love to.

Jim said...

Good desert shots.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Unknown said...

I loved seeing the cactus and blue skies.

Judy said...

Beautiful photos! I don't live anywhere there are cactus living so it's great to see the world this way.

marianne said...

gorgeous! makes me warmer just looking at the cacti and sun

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, Looks like you have had some great weather this week.. Love your pictures!!!! Gorgeous!!!

We're having a wonderful time in Arkansas--but it's passing by too quickly. The weather has been great considering the fact that it was snowing at home.


Thérèse said...

Everything looks so pure. You certainly have less pollution than around here...

Martha Z said...

All are beautiful shots but I'm with Gaelyn, the skeletal saguaro really caught my eye.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Wonderful shots! Very different to what I see in SL, but looks like there are superb hiking trails ovehere..

Loree said...

Is that a cardinal in the last photo? Great shots.

jean luc said...

beautiful captures , i love the clear sky ! well done , you :)

Stephanie said...

That's a dead cacti?! I have never imagined they have 'fibre' like that. Strange but educational for me ;-) Btw, thanks for your kind compliments on my pics and I hope you will be able to find a gerbera at your location soon. I have no problem to find one gazania here.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely skies, scenery and photos! I love the cactus and the pretty bird(it is not a cardinal, right?)

Diane AZ said...

The bird is a Pyrrhuloxia, a southwestern relative of the Northern Cardinal. :D

x_pEpPeRoNi_x said...

Those are all very beautiful!

I like the cute fat bird in the last photo best! :D

Blessing Reflections said...

Beautiful pictures of blue sky! I like the desert touches in your photos!

Brenda's Arizona said...

Oooh, like the photos! Where??

Diane AZ said...

Hi Brenda, Sabino Canyon :)

Judy said...

Great photos! My favourite is the cardinal cousin!! And the dead cactus answers some questions I have had for years - in old westerns, Zane Grey era, they talk about using dead cactus wood for the fire. Now I know what it looks like! Thank you so much!!

rainfield61 said...

You always have the greatest day in each of the day.

cata said...

Beautiful photos, I like cactus very much.

cieldequimper said...

Oh wow. Nothing but rain here, I am trying to imagine what it would be like on your walk and seeing that gorgeous little bird!

Anonymous said...

The desert looks like it is abut to come alive with wildflowers. I love saguaro cacti. They look so majestic to me. Even the one that's slowly decaying is magnificent. I love the desert this time of year.

Prospero said...

Hi Diane. Blue skies, lucky you! Yesterday I had my first taste of a prickly pear fruit. Really stained my hands purple-red. Must have plenty antioxidants in there. It was sweet - but so many seeds!

Laura said...

Just beautiful...I love pic number two especially.

Self Sagacity said...

That little bird stole my heart! Beautiful angle shot of him/ her too!

Kcalpesh said...

Great shots! Loved the last one with the bird! The blue gradient sky in the top pictures look simply superb!

Pixellicious Photos

Anonymous said...

Glad you've enjoyed some good weather because methinks RAIN is on the way. Beautiful blue skies over your lovely desert view. Love the birdie in the last.
Hugs and blessings,

Darla said...

Wow, is that second photo the skeleton of a saguaro? Beautiful...