Saturday, March 6, 2010

Shadow Play – Picnic Tables

Viewing table shadows one way, they might look like giant marching creatures:

But from the other side, the shadows are harmless toy trucks:

For more fun with shadows visit Hey Harriet hosted by Tracy.


Sylvia K said...

Great shadow shots for the day, Diane! Love those marching monsters!
Hope your weekend is going well!


Ralph said...

I see the legs, the tables in tandem, almost like a millipede marching. Wait, that' too many legs...but the concept is sound! The desert is beautiful, I am sure you await the cactus blooms soon!

Lindy said...

You've been busy taking photos; I see I've missed several posts.

Funny how direction changes the definition of the shadow! I like the marching creatures. =D

Your weekend reflection is quite stunning; beautiful colors, too!

My husband and I simply ooohed and ahhhhed over your Monday morning fog captures. They are outstanding! (Are those the Santa Catalina mountains?)

readingsully2 said...

Love these. Just so substantial.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great shadows, Diane... I like the 'toy trucks' better than the 'giant creatures'... ha ha


Beacon said...

It looks like this picnic spot has some pretty amazing views.

Jen said...

Very Clever!
Happy SSS Diane

Unknown said...

Didnt see the creatures at first!

Hey Harriet said...

These are fantastic photos! You have a great eye and a great imagination! A really fun post! Have a great week!

rainfield61 said...

You said what I am thinking of before I start to read your shadow.

Lindz said...

great shot, how nice to just sit there and relax

cata said...

Good pictures, two different perpectives.

Self Sagacity said...

Even those picnic tables are very attractive with the nice background of the mountains. Yes you're right, they do look like toy trucks in the second picture, or the front of a choochoo train.

cieldequimper said...

The toy truck convoy is fantastic!

Torsdag 1952 said...

Beautiful shadows an nice description.

Counting the day until we start to California and the desert.


A Wild Thing said...

I love the desert, it truly makes the mind shots!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Gorgeous shadow, Diane! The picnic tables are so inviting for a sit down and soaking in the view.

Matty said...

Ohh, I like how you see something in those shadows. I might not have seen that. Beautiful background.

Chubby Chieque said...

So much to see down the horizon. Sitting there waiting the sun down to come seems so cool.

Great shots!

Thérèse said...

Transformers Toys!

Anya said...

Wonderful photo's today :-)

Ezhilan said...

I like the comparisons and the different viewing. Good observation and wonderful captures.

DoanLegacy said...

Wonderful photos of shadow! The shadow in the second image looks like buses!

Leslie said...

Love this! And what a beautiful spot.

happily retired gal said...

LOL ... how FUN is this! Two perspectives yield totally different reactions. MARVELOUS shadows ;-)
hugs and blessings,

Joanne Olivieri said...

These shots are really cool. There are so many stories you can conjure up with these photos.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Hey! How are you Diane?

Nice perspectives and imagination :)

Wednesday Wallpaper - 4 Black-Winged Stilts

Anonymous said...

You have such a lovely imagination!

I'm thinking the tables and benches here see a lot of sun and cast shadows most of the year,