Sunday, April 25, 2010

By the water station

Shadows and birds were found yesterday morning at a running event at a park in Tucson.  First the shadows…

volunteers carrying water

men’s race


women's race

some runners go by the station without taking water

some take a cup of water

others prefer to have water thrown on them

It’s all good!

Many more shadow pictures at Shadow Shot Sunday.


Now, for some birds at the park…

female Vermilion Flycatcher

camera-shy male Vermilion Flycatcher

Tropical Kingbird

Lesser Goldfinch with nesting material

Gambel's quail on a bench catching morning sunlight and breeze

Gambel's quail


Barb said...

I enjoyed the race photos, Diane. It looks as though it's warm there now - it was downright cool when I was in Phoenix! Such a lovely assortment of birds, too. Martha tells me she's related to you - I hope to meet up with her next month in Sacramento.

Annie Jeffries said...

The birds of Arizona are a brilliant in their colors as their dessert floral counterparts. Beautiful, Gemma.

Linda said...

looks like it was a lovely day for the race ... I enjoyed the bird photos

Diane AZ said...

Hi Barb, We did have some freaky unseasonably cool weather in Arizona last week. Yes, Martha of Martha's Musings blog is my aunt. Enjoy Sacramento!

Kim, USA said...

I like those shadows from the runners. Great shots!

Shadow Shot Sunday

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Shadows chase runners—
will darkness be the winner
or will light prevail?

Wisdom stone

blog with no name said...

Looks like the birds are wondering why those people just don't fly, it's a lot easier...

Marcie said...

How different and beautiful things are in your part of the country. We are all about tulips and daffodils in the great lakes region. I loved this glimpse of Arizona through your blog!

rainfield61 said...

Love to see those birds in macro, they lure me to take some of their relatives over here.

Lance said...

Okay, those race pictures look downright HOT (as I sit here with a sweatshirt Wisconsin!!). I would take a bit of that heat right about now!! And...well, I love race pictures - thanks for sharing them!!

Tracy said...

Nice morning for a run. Love your bird pictures, too! Some of them I'd never seen before.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful day for a run ... I think I would have had the water poured on me ... The bird pictures are exquisite. I can never get close enough to get many good bird pictures, so I'm enjoying these doubly!

Happy SSS!

Hey Harriet said...

All that running looks like hard work! Love the sporty shadows! Have a great week!

Gaelyn said...

And here I was thinking it would be getting kind of hot for running down there. I'll bet the water thrown on felt pretty good.

Love your bird shots. I so rarely see a quail perched.

wanderlust said...

Shadowy runners, cool!

Loree said...

Great shadow shots and your pictures of the birds are awesome, as always :) Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Wow great photos. I love the little birdie on the bench. Actually they are all nice.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

What a lovely post, Diane..All the shadow shots are great, and the birds are just beautiful to see..

clairz said...

Wow, you get some wonderful bird shots! (People shots, too, but I'm such a bird fan).

Martha Z said...

It looks like the runners were out early, that makes some good shadows. You got great bird shots while waiting, the Vermilion Flycatcher and Tropical Kingbirds are not ones I have seen here. We didn't see many birds in Death Valley, Jules saw a roadrunner while I was in the van doing dishes but I missed it, darn.

Nefertiti said...

quel courage pour la course et quelle beautee pour les oiseaux !

cieldequimper said...

Very nice photojournalism (I'd die running in what looks like very hot weather conditions to me!)and your birds are so, so pretty! Boy is the camera shy little 'un blushing! ;-)

jean luc said...

A great serie , with runners and birds
well done , Diane

Susan Ellis said...

OH to be in SE Arizona in the spring time to see the amazing variety of birds!!

Ezhilan said...

With different backgrounds, the bird photos look beautiful. The Gambel's quail photo looks different and interesting.

Kat_RN said...

I am impressed with your lovely bird shots. We have some wonderful birds, but they are camera shy. Thanks for sharing yours.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I remember when I ran the 1/4 marathon, it was so welcoming to see the water

Levinson and Axelrod said...

Incredible shots of these birds. Seems like you had a great start to the day.