Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jane Goodall

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending a lecture by Dr. Jane Goodall, world-renowned primatologist, conservationist and UN Messenger of Peace.  This was my second time hearing this inspiring lady speak at Pima Community College.

Jane began researching chimpanzee behavior 50 years ago and today is on a global mission to empower others to make a difference for all living things.  She’s on the road 300 days per year spreading her message of hope for our planet.

Jane Goodall urges parents and educators to look into her Roots and Shoots program.  Roots and Shoots is about making positive changes for communities, animals, and for the environment.

Roots and Shoots


(This last photo is from her website)

At the root of Dr. Jane Goodall's philosophy is the belief that every individual matters and makes a difference.

She encourages sustainable living and protection of animals and wild places.


Unknown said...

She must be really some lady Dr. Jane Goodall. There are many like her. The problem is that all those who should listen to what they have to say, those who are taking the decisions about our future and the future of our planet have their ears shut to those people.
Thank you for this post Dianne.

Annie Jeffries said...

I had the pleasure of hearing her speak at Occidental College back in the late 70's. More recently, I saw a wonderful Bill Moyers interview with her on PBS. She is a remarkable woman.

blog with no name said...

Wow Dianne! What a real treat! I can reemember her in the jungles of Africa, hanging out with the chimps... It's good to know that there are people like her still around!

SquirrelQueen said...

How wonderful to see Dr. Goodall in person. I have never been in the right place at the right time to hear her speak. What a remarkable woman.

rainfield61 said...

Every individual matters and makes a difference.
Dr. Goodall is so wise.

Unknown said...

So cool! It might be the most important message of all!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Such a remarkable woman, Diane. You are fortunate to have seen her in person.. Wish we had more like her!!!!

Self Sagacity said...

What a great person to know about. Thanks for posting her, her name is easy to remember too! :-) I believe every individual can make a difference as well.

Jen said...

I bet that was interesting, Good pics of her too.
Does she always take a stuffed monkey with her?

Tracy said...

How cool that you got to hear her speak. I think her work is amazing.

Gaelyn said...

How fortunate you are to be able to attend a Goodall lecture. I'll be she's an inspirational speaker. And it is So true that each individual makes a difference.

Stephanie said...

What a privilege Diane! I love to hear news from great people like Dr. Jane Goodall. The lecture must have been really an inspiring one. And 300 days on the road is really no joke. Best wishes to Dr Jane :-)

Johnny Nutcase said...

this is great! I saw her speak in Asheville, NC in 2002 and was mesmerized by her. Always loved her. So glad you got to go!

Unknown said...

Wow, must be an interesting lecture.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

What a wonderful opportunity Diane. People like this are an inspiration to us all.

Lance said...

What a wonderful person to see and hear speak!!!

Diane AZ said...

Jen, So far Jane has carried Mr.H with her to 60 countries. He was given to her by a special friend with this message to pass along: "Don't give up when something goes wrong in your life. Work hard and you can overcome most obstacles."

Thérèse said...

I have followed her work for ages... What an inspiration!

Barb said...

I attended a Jane Goodall lecture about 15 years ago in Denver - she still looks in the peak of health after all her travels and adventures in the bush.

Prospero said...

Sustainability. Yes.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

It's indeed a privilege to be there in person and listen to her lecture!

I noticed this in your comment about MR. H and his message:

"Don't give up when something goes wrong in your life. Work hard and you can overcome most obstacles."

And love it!

cieldequimper said...

She is such a wonderful deserving woman.

RoeH said...

I love your blog. I have lived in AZ since 1975 and have finally started keeping a camera in my hip pocket all of the time. I really think this is the best state in the country for diversity and taking photos. It's just so very beautiful in so many ways.

DoanLegacy said...

I love watching her interacting with the primates! She is an extraordinary woman..

Loree said...

She is so right. If we all did our little bit things could get so much better for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Our local primary school is privileged to be visited by Jane Goodall every year. My kids got to meet her twice! She is an amazing woman, with an amazing message.

Marcie said...

What an amazing opportunity to hear her speak! I love the message she is sharing.

betchai said...

"at the root of Dr. Jane Goodall's philosophy is the belief that every individual matters and makes a difference." - glad for you Diane, that you were able to listen to her speak.

Ezhilan said...

It's nice to know about Jane Goodall and the website.

Kevin said...

Good for her that she is still spreading the word. I saw her speak about 35 years ago and was impressed.

The world could use more Jane Goodalls!