Wednesday, June 30, 2010

At the pool

Sonoran Desert Toad

Just chillin'


Annie Jeffries said...

I suspect he is very grateful for his little puddle of wetness.

Unknown said...

He s lucky.. to have you around and fill the pool every day Dianne.

rainfield61 said...

Hi, Mr. Toad.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Your back yard? How fun. Can you hear him at night/dawn?

Diane AZ said...

Hi Brenda, when the monsoon rains start, he will be calling for his mate at all hours, sounds like a sheep.

Tracy said...

Now there's a toad that knows the right places to hang out this time of year!

angryparsnip said...

My computer is acting really strange hope this posts...

I can honestly say that besides the cicadas, the toads drives me crazy especially at night... I have gone out with the hose to drive them away...

I guess you don't have dogs ? or do they know not to bite ? I have to keep an eye on my boys .

cheers, parsnip

cieldequimper said...

I wish I could be in his place! It's so hot!

Diane AZ said...

Hi Parsnip, I don't have any dogs. Toads can come and go freely into the yard, but I usually only see one toad each summer.

Gaelyn said...

Very nice of you to operate the local toad pool.

Self Sagacity said...

Toads come to your yards? How fun is that?

clairz said...

You had me going for a moment with that "pool" talk!

Icy BC said...

How refreshing for the toad! This is just super cute, Diane!

Barb said...

A toad spa - he looks blissful!

The Retired One said...

Love that toad!

blog with no name said...

Sweet! A toad in the pool, now all it needs is a toad stool!

Stephanie said...

He is your pet? I got a shock when I scrolled down the page. The eyes... gosh... so big... eventhough look sleepy... all toads look scary to me he he...

Allison said...

Love it! We once had a toad in our yard. So enthralled were we that we captured it and took it back to the pond so it would live. We aren't that good with remembering to water and feed them... ;)

Unknown said...

They must be unlucky to end up living in the desert - but lucky to have found a swimming pool!

Anonymous said...

What an important looking Mr. Toad! That big huge swimming pool all to himself! The lucky little guy!

Ezhilan said...

Nice pool for the toad to live with decorations and plants around!

DoanLegacy said...

What a treasure to find! Toad in the pool, so very nice to see.

Prospero said...

Looks like an unabashedly happy toad.

Luzia said...

The best he can do at this time;-)) I would like to do the same...... Greetings from Luzia.

Elettra said...

Ciao Diane,we say to kiss an ugly toad who see a handsome prince, who knows?AH!AH!AH!Beautiful photo

Regina said...

How beautiful!
Happy weekend Diane.

Arti said...

Great pics...enjoyed the previous post of Morning colors..amazing colors!!

My Yatra Diary...

SquirrelQueen said...

It is cool that toads come into your yard. This fellow seems to be enjoying his private pool.

Lindy said...

Great images! I never thought about it before, but you are correct - they do sound like sheep!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

What a great place to be on a hot summers day. :)

Ayie said...

no can have the pool =P

Unknown said...

How very cool! This year I had a gecko and a tiny lizard living on my balcony but they seem to be gone after the big storms last weekend...