Thursday, November 11, 2010

Skywatching at Sunrise

While checking out the sunrise early one morning in October, I heard what sounded like gremlins coming from up in a tree.

The flash on my camera revealed two raccoons in the African Sumac tree,

and two more raccoons down in the arroyo (dry stream bed).

As a Cooper's hawk quietly sat atop a Mesquite tree watching.

See more skies from around the world at Skywatch Friday.


Anonymous said...

Oh those lil bandits eyes are spooky! =)

Sylvia K said...

You had a lot of company to begin the day with, Diane!! Love those little spooky eyed critters and the hawk is lovely not to mention your gorgeous skies! Definitely the best way to begin the day! Have a great weekend!


Martha Z said...

You were right, those are gremlins. They can be a nuisance but they are cute and fun to watch.

Carver said...

Beautiful skies and I love the bird and raccoon.

Barb said...

How lucky you are to be surrounded by wildlife!

Cheryl Ann said...

I go for morning walks, too! I LOVE the morning light. I don't see raccoons, just HUGE jackrabbits!

EG CameraGirl said...

Raccoons are gremlins all right! But they sure are cute too. :)

Bill S. said...

I love the sunrise picture, but the raccoons and the Cooper's Hawk really add to the experience.

Brenda's Arizona said...

How cool to catch the raccoons watching you back! Haven't run into any of those guys yet!

LifeRamblings said...

wonderful skies and i like the raccoons and bird.

rainfield61 said...

The raccoons are cute camera critters.

Magpie said...

Wow! That is quite the menagerie. You are blessed with all the wildlife sharing your little corner of the world.

Gaelyn said...

They are cute little bandits. Nice hawk sighting. So nice to have wildlife right outside the window.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful sky photo! And wonderful critters..

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. Very nice variety.

betchai said...

very rich in wildlife, amazing photos Diane.

PrairieWalker said...

Very nice nature shots!

Stephanie said...

The hawk looks cool...

Unknown said...

Great photographs Diane.

Anonymous said...

Glorious shots - I love that last one in particular.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love seeing those raccoon eyes!!!!!! One always knows when a raccoon is staring at us!!!!! ha

Great pictures --and I love seeing the hawk also.

Maria said...

What wonderful pictures you have posted today... The one of the hawk, I enlarged; it's a great shot!
I also love your blog title and blog header photo ~ really beautiful~
*enjoy the weekend, and nice to meet you*


clairz said...

What a beautiful world you live in!

Allison said...

Such a beautiful picture of the hawk, Diane... creepy and mysterious!

Yoshi said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog.
I love pics of raccoons. They are so cute.
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend.

PJ van Zyl said...

have a great weekend.
PS loved your post

Tracy said...

What a wealth of critters! We have a Cooper's Hawk that roosts in the neighborhood occasionally. One morning we went out for a walk and he was circling overhead. I believe we interrupted his breakfast which was scattered in a perfect circle in the front yard.

Phoenix C. said...

Beautiful photos, Diane! I love the last photo with the subtle pink-mauve sky.

It's good to be blogging again after an extremely busy several months - I've missed being here!

Mar said...

Fascinating wild life and beautiful shots!!

Janie said...

Great wildlife photos! The raccoons are so cute.

Kim, USA said...

Ewww raccoons is watching you!!
Looking at the sky

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

I love raccoons, they are so cute.

Loree said...

Those raccoons look so naughty. I think they're cute but I know they can also be vicious.

lizziviggi said...

So much hustle-and-bustle in the animal world, while the rest of us are just waking up for the day! Great captures.

Julie said...

Cutest racoons EVER!!!!!

Autumn Belle said...

You have splendid skywatch photos and the racoons look very very cute. I'd like to have a soft toy that look like them!

Anonymous said...

So interesting :)


Very beautiful post!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Grand images and the one you chose with the Cooper's Hawk is really wonderful. I happen to love all hawks and we have the Cooper's where I live as well. Happy weekend~

SKIZO said...

Tank you for sharing

Joanne Olivieri said...

Check out the eyes on those raccoons, wow! great shots. Love that fiery sunrise.

Kcalpesh said...

Interesting!! The Raccoons look cute... :-D

Pixellicious Photos

Self Sagacity said...

I am afraid of those raccoons. Had them visiting on our last camping trip.

namaki said...

Beautiful sunrise quiet atmosphere and gorgeous sky !

Lindy said...

What a grand start to the day - everyone enjoying the gorgeous sunrise!

Johnny Nutcase said...

good wildlife sightings! great post!