Thursday, December 30, 2010


Sunrise 7:13AM

Sunrise 7:21AM

Sunset 5:23PM

The above pictures are from one day earlier this month.  I like how the bright pink and orange clouds in the morning contrast with the more subdued evening sky.

It is actually storming with cold wind and rain here today.  After the fog lifts, maybe we'll see some snow on the mountain tops...

Yes!  12/30/10 8:51AM

View more skies from around the world at Skywatch Friday hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren and Sylvia.


Unknown said...

A beautiful sunrise Dianne.
Happy new year to you.

Sunny said...

Breathtaking colors. Nature never ceases to amaze!
☼ Sunny

Magpie said...

Where did you catch the snow on the mountain tops??? Beautiful skies.

clairz said...

Beautiful series, beautiful place.

Sylvia K said...

What a gorgeous way to begin and end your day, Diane! Such gorgeous skies and colors! Your photos are superb as always! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing your a very wonderful, Happy New Year!


Martha Z said...

With all of the stormy weather here I've been wondering if any would reach you.
Today is cold and clear, frost in the yard and I see a jackrabbit out there pruning the plants.
Hope you had a great Christmas!

Gaelyn said...

Beautiful skies. Except for the last one. We're seeing some blue in Apache Junction but mountains covered with cloud may have some white.

Barb said...

Diane, I think you're sending the storm our way in the form of snow. I'm in Denver right now, and it's snowing and blowing. The city and mountains are under a winter storm warning - just in time for New Year's Eve! Your photos are glorious, showing the changing sky and landscape over a short period. That TJ is so sweet I see he's not a bit afraid of the Grinch. He looks so cute in his Santa hat! Happy 2011.

NotSoAngryRedHead said...

Very pretty. It looks like you're lucky enough to not live in an area with lots of light pollution.

Pearl Maple said...

Pretty colors in your sky, thanks for adding to the Sky Watch party. Have a great new year.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas. Did you get to see that grandson?

So you are getting snow on the mountains in Zona, huh????? How neat!!!!!

Love the sunrise and sunset colors....

Happy New Year.


Hello !
Wonderful place!


Beautiful photos!


Interesting colors!

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Mm so beautiful sunrises.. i love that colours..
Wish you a very happy new year :)

Linda said...

Gorgeous shots. And you have such long winter days! I'm envious.

Neus said...

I love the sunrises that you have captured!! What a lovely shoots!

Happy New Year!! Peace and love.Hugs

Kay L. Davies said...

The sunrise photos are lovely, but that sunset is pure art.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Elettra said...

I wish you 12 months of happiness, serenity 52 weekends, 365 days of love, peace of 8760 hours, 525600 minutes of success, 31536000 seconds of friendship

namaki said...

Beautiful colours !!! especially the sunrise ones !

Laura said...

Gorgeous Diane!!! Happy New Year my friend:)

Jan said...

It's amazing how the sky changes from minute to minute. Great captures for today.

MarieElizabeth said...

All of those are beautiful, but I think the third one is my favorite.

Light and Voices said...

Ain't it grand how the sky changes from moment to moment. Happy New Year.
Joyce M

Anonymous said...

What beautiful skies, even the cloudy one.

Rajesh said...

Spectacular views.
Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful skies and colors! My favorite is the third one. I wish you and yours a very Happy, Healthy New years.

Thérèse said...

Such a nice area!
Enjoy all these skies... and have wonderful year 2011!

sylvia murphy said...

Ah Arizona. Every Feb I swear I am moving there :)

rainfield61 said...

Hope to see beautiful sunrise in everyday of 2011.

Loree said...

Amazing and wonderful images. Happy new year.

Anya said...

Happy New Year!!
We wish you a joyful life
full of healthy, happiness and pleasure :)

Hugs Love Anya

Kareltje =^.^=

Betsie =(^.^)=


Happy New Year!!!
I wish all the bests to You in 2011!!!

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

Hello Diane.
Have a happy new year.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

It is amazing to see the different layers.

Happy New Year.

Betty Manousos said...

Great sky colours.
Amazing photos, Dianne!


B xx

Heidi said...

Magnificent colors of the sky. Simply beautiful....Wishing you a happy New Year!

Ninfa said...

Un cielo stupendo, con nuvole dai colori meravigliosi. Tantissimi auguri per un sereno 2011!

Louis la Vache said...

What fine SkyWatch images, Diane!

«Louis» wishes you all the best this New Year!


I liked these photos very much!

Unknown said...

Hi Diane
Gorgeous sky pics. The 3rd one at 5.23 pm is especially beautiful, the colours are more muted and the mountains appearing blue matches with the colours above. The foreground is a nice addition the the picture. Lovely.

Looks so cold in the last pic.

ps. your smiley grandson is a cutie :). Does he look like his grandma?

Have a fantastic year this year! Happy 2011.



Beautiful green photos...

Tracy said...

What lovely photos! There is nothing pretty than snow in the desert, IMO. Happy New Year!

Lindy said...

The red morning Arizona skies are my favorites. These are stunning! Enjoy your vistas of snow. We had snow here at Christmas but now it is gone.

Wishing you many blessings in this new year ~

Kcalpesh said...

Lovely colors!!!

Pixellicious Photos

Ayie said...

you've got such a beautiful view to see there

Ayie said...

happy new year!!!

Rohrerbot said...

You take amazing pictures....absolutely beautiful shots. It's still chilly here:) I'm having a harder time with it this year and wearing more stuff.....I never used to...and I've never had to turn on the heat before....but these past couple of weeks I did:)