Thursday, March 17, 2011


in a tree...

"Some days, doing 'the best we can' may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn't perfect -- on any front -- and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else." ~Fred Rogers


angryparsnip said...

Awwwwwww... is that a baby roadrunner ?
I have two (?) Roadrunners that like to hang out at my home but I have never seen a young one. Kind of round, fat, fluffy and awkward.

Love the quote on any day but for me and my Japanese Family this is very timely.

cheers, parsnip

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I did not have the time to go deeper and admire the beauty of Arizona desert.'

Diane AZ said...

Hi Parsnip, I think it is an adult male, puffing up trying to attract a mate. Its call sounded rather sad like a mourning dove.

Phoenix C. said...

Love the photos!

And the quote. People often don't realize the wonderful things they've unconsciously done too, and when you thank them they look amazed! I so value all my friends and loved ones for who they are.

Magpie said...

We have a pair that live around our house. They are so fascinating to watch.

angryparsnip said...

Oh Thanks for the info... I have never seen a chubby Roadrunner before, so weird !

cheers, parsnip

Dawn said...

What a capture! You don't see those very anyway:)

Love that quote!!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beep Beep.... When I see or think of a Roadrunner, I think of that cartoon.... ha

Great pictures, Diane...

Love that last quote...

Gaelyn said...

I've never seen a roadrunner in a tree, or looking so fluffed up to impress.

Thanks for the poem. Perfect for today.

tracy said...

What great photos. I always think yours belong in a magazine. And Fred Rogers is a childhood favorite of mine. What great memories.

Thérèse said...

Roadrunner are so fun to watch! It seems that their population is growing around here. There were so many of them twenty years ago...

PJ van Zyl said...

love the last photo

Regina said...

Wonderful and amazing!
Have a great weekend.

Nat said...

I've never seen a roadrunner.... that one's great :-)

Allison said...

A very beautiful bird! I love the stripes and the flick of red. Thank you for sharing!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

What a beautiful bird, and the last quote is just fantastic!

Betty Manousos said...

Breathtakingly beautiful photos, Diane.
Great quote you paired with them.

Loving your photography...

Proudly I've added you to my Blog Roll.

Happy weekend!
Big hugs
B xx

Darla said...

Perfect quote for me to contemplate today - deep thanks. :-) And what a remarkable head shot -- cool bird.


Hello! I have not seen before it.


Thank You very much for sharing.

The Retired One said...

Gorgeous! I loved the last photo of the closeup of the bird's head. Fantastic!

Martha Z said...

I've only seen roadrunners a few times and never captured one with my camera. I shouldn't complain, I've been pretty fortunate with my captures of birds and other wildlife.
I like the quote.

Carlos said...

Me encantan el color y la pureza de tus fotos.

Un abrazo.

Lrong Lim said...

Thank you for the fotos... have never seen a 'live' roadrunner before so this bird is sort of like 'exotic' to me...

Anonymous said...

We have a pair of roadrunners that roam our property. So far they have raised at least six young ones in several years.

Frequently run along our deck rail and stop and stretch out their wings.

Amazing creatures.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

I love the cactus, they are so big.


I have not seen before so like bird...

Barb said...

What a detailed photo of the Roadrunner - I've never seen one so up-close.

Janie said...

Nice capture of the roadrunner. I really like the close-up. Great detail.

Lindy said...

Very nice capture. I've not seen a roadrunner with its feathers puffed out before.