Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Green and Gold

Last week the ocotillo on the hills were glowing green and gold in the morning light.


Gaelyn said...

Nice desert fall colors. I've never seen the ocotillo glow like that.

betchai said...

the combination of ocotillo glowing in gold and saguaros is so dreamlike, lovely photos, i only have seen ocotillo in spring ( when we go to the desert for spring wildflowers), did not know that its leaves turns gold. so pretty.

Rohrerbot said...

Oh wow!!! And they say that fall doesn't happen here:) They are so wrong. It's very subtle. I love your ocotillo angles.

Icy BC said...

These are beautiful photos, Diane! The green and yellow leaves are just fantastic.

Stephanie said...

It's so cool to see the surroundings at your place changing colours following the season. It's always green here hehe...

angryparsnip said...

I was just noticing that so many of the Ocotillos all over town were turning golden.
This year they all seems to be so bushy and full of green leaves. I wonder if it was because of the freeze ?
My one Ocotillo is not one, the freeze really hurt it. Might have to cut it down.
Your Photos are so beautiful. It has been such a wonderful last few weeks.

cheers, parsnip

Anonymous said...

Lovely use of light!

Allison said...

Ah the desert in the fall! I've never seen this before. Lovely.

Lindy said...

Lovely fall colors. I especially like the overall tinge of gold in the last image.

siga said...

Beautiful! Amazing how you found the autumn in the desert! Thank you for this lesson ;)

Nat said...

Gorgeous! There is such beauty in the desert, regardless of season :-)

PJ van Zyl said...

love the light on the leaves

Colleen said...


Thérèse said...

Always so nice to see autumn colors around here! It's sometimes hard to find.

Betty Manousos said...

wonderful shots of fall colors.
i think that golden hour is the best of all in taking photos.
everything looks so beautiful and warm.

amazing shots as usual. i love all of them!

have a great day!

Clytie said...

I have never thought of the desert having fall colors before. You make me wish I could see it first hand!!!

I love the lighting in that second photo - shadowy in the back, glowing in the front. Beautiful!

EG CameraGirl said...

The green and gold are very lovely against the clear blue sky.

Loree said...

So autumn comes to the desert too. Such vivid shots against the blue sky.

Martha Z said...

Even the desert has its seasons. I love the ocotillo when it blooms, I had no idea it had its charms in the fall as well.

Barb said...

What wonderful golden autumn light in your photos! I'm transported to your desert landscape.

Julie said...

how beautiful!!! love those colors in autumn now, in the desert!

Magpie said...

Beautiful shades of green and gold.

Anonymous said...

Lovely colours against that sunny blue sky.

rainfield61 said...

I shall be healthy to see green.

I shall be wealthy to see gold.

Darla said...

Love how you brought the "leaf peeping" of Autumn to the desert; and to my favorite, the Ocotillo.

Betty Manousos said...

the fall colours are super awesome!

i like everything there is in those photos!

simply brilliant!