Saturday, December 10, 2011


Hello and Happy Monday!  It's not always warm and sunny here, and this December feels especially chilly compared to past ones, but it sure is fun to go out early bundled up with jacket and gloves and see the desert decorated with white before the frost melts.

foggy street

frost on a car window

feathery pattern on another window

icy cholla cactus

prickly pear pad

prickly pear skeleton

snow on mountain top

frost on a wooden guardrail post

"All nature wears one universal grin."
~Henry Fielding


Anonymous said...

Oh, my. You really HAVE had some cold weather there. I don't know that we have had frost yet even though it was predicted once or twice. The photos are just beautiful.

Magpie said...

Gorgeous! I might be shaking too much from the chill to get such good pictures. Oh, who am I kidding? I couldn't get pictures this great on any day. :) Beautiful.

siga said...

It's amazing you get frost painting around in a desert. Beautiful pictures! Makes me long for the cold weather :)

Gaelyn said...

Wow, you have had some frosty weather down there. The images are beautiful. Started sleeting here this morning.

Martha Z said...

Oh how lovely. You seem to be getting the weather we should have. Little for so far this year (I'm not complaining) and comfortable weather for our daily walks. It's a mixed blessing, though, I hope this won't turn out to be a drought year.

Darla said...

How marvelous...! The cactus skeletons always draw my eye in utter fascination. The distinctly different frost patterns on the windshields were great!

Betty Manousos said...

outstanding shots, diane!

love each one of them, but that foggy street caught my eye.

loving your great photography!!

angryparsnip said...

Goodness, I think we live close to each other but no frost for me so far. Although I see it some mornings on the Ventana Golf course. I had only the grainy hail that one morning last week.
Wonderful photos, love the feathery pattern on the window.

cheers, parsnip

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures! Summer is rolling in here so it is very special to see your ice crystals!

Nat said...

Very pretty scenes!

rainfield61 said...

How beautiful they are.

Although they are so normal normally.

Carole said...

You have an excellent eye for details and composition. I loved the fog and couldn't wait to get out and take some photos. It was surreal.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!! I especially love the guardrail post - it's mesmerizing!

betchai said...

I am always overjoyed seeing your desert photos, Diane, they all are inspiring, the last one is keeping my gaze locked into it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful, Diane. Frost makes for some FABULOUS photos, doesn't it???? That last one (wooden post) is awesome... Thanks for sharing the frost with us.

Giga said...

Ładnie wyglądają "dzieła" mrozu. Pozdrawiam

Ramakrishnan said...

Brrrr I can actually feel the chill. Breathtakingly beautiful pics of frosted plants.The wooden guardrail is outstanding !

Clytie said...

Hi again, Diane - I just wanted you to know that your beautiful cloud heart is featured on today's Guest Heart Thursday!

Thank you!

Laura said...

Beautiful discoveries Diane!!! The cloud hearts at Clytie's are amazing too! I hope you will consider sending me an email about what you are grateful for to add to this year's gratitude word quilt. It will be posted on my blog on Dec 31st. I am collecting expressions of gratitude from around the world. Enjoy the weekend's skies, blue, grey, or filled with a pallet of many colors!
Gentle steps,

Magic Moments said...

Beauty frost photos..Lovely..Have a nice weekend

ladydazy said...

Wonderful captures. I love your picture taking eye! :)


Hello! Very beautiful photos...

Adriano said...

Olá Diane!

Estou visitando seu lindo blog,

Flores do Deserto!

Fantásticas, cores, gostei de

tudo aqui, e vou voltar!


do Amigo???..:-)