Monday, November 23, 2009

My World - El Tour de Tucson

Over 8000 cyclists participated in this year's El Tour de Tucson. I was not one of them. For me it's thrilling enough just to be a spectator. The 109-mile bike race started downtown at 7:00 AM.

Most of the course was on paved roads, but eight miles into the course, the riders had to get off their bikes to cross the dry Santa Cruz River.
A mariachi band entertained the cyclists as they carried their bikes across dusty dirt path.
At the 48-mile point, riders had cross Sabino Creek which was also dry.
Heading up Sabino Canyon Road
Turning onto Sunrise Drive
Only 59 more miles to go to the finish line.
This is where we said good-bye. The participants enjoyed sunny warm weather for most of the race.
Click on the My World icon above to check out other posts from around the world. MyWorld Tuesday is hosted by: Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, Louise and Sylvia.


  1. This sounds like a fun event. I'm with you - I'll watch. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great photography, it looks like you were there at every 10 mile interval! Me, too, I will just be a spectator, and I am not even sure if I can balance myself in a bike.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Veyr cool action shot of bikes in motion - you made a very interesting and good photo there!

    ...Ruby door is the perfect background for...

  4. Very interesting. Love the first 'action' shot! But so interesting that they have to get off their bikes every so often to cross dry rivers. I've been to the final stage of the Tour de France, where the cyclists race around the Champs Elysées several times at the end of about three weeks of cycling, and this couldn't be more different!

  5. Plenty of beautiful scenery. That sure is a lot of miles on a bike. Beautiful photos!

  6. Wonderful sequence of the cyclist and of the beautiful landscape. I loved the blur of cyclist in the first shot which captured the feel of a race.

  7. A great series, Diane, I agree with others, the action shot is particularly good.
    I hope to get some shots of the California International Marathon in two weeks but it may not work out. Eric and Mark have both been very careful with their training and I hope it goes well for them.

  8. Thanks for posting the race. The names of streets sound familiar. Looks like folks were literally biting the dust on this ride. Wow!

  9. I enjoyed this virtual view of this race. Methinks the participants are much more adventurous than I am these days.
    Hugs and blessings,

  10. I enjoyed the race, thanks for taking us along.
    Great photos.

  11. 8000 of them! That's a big event! I always like to watch cyclists and hubby is a staunch supporter of the Tour de France (THE most popular face watched). Thanks for sharing!

  12. That is fun. It should be so good to be a part of them.

  13. Wow, that's a lot of riders and a lot of miles. I'd rather walk, or better yet, watch. Nice captures especially that first one that shows they are Moving.

  14. Gosh Diane, I am pleased I am not in the middle of that crowd. I would rather be a spectator too.

  15. looks like a fantastic day to held a race....the backdrop, ahhhh! fantastic.

    lovely scenes from your part of the world!

  16. That's neat that they had to carry their bikes over the dry rivers. Fantastic scenery too. I don't think I could focus on riding a bike with such beautiful scenes around me.

  17. Nice shots of the spectacular event.

  18. «Louis» got hot, sweaty and dusty just looking at the photos and reading your captions!

  19. Wow, Diane, that's quite a journey! You capture so many great photos of the trip..

  20. Great photos! I especially like the one where they're crossing the creek, and the first one (great motion blur)!

  21. Oh such hard work!! 109 miles!

    The first photo is fabulous, they must be speeding! The rest look like hard hard hard work :(

    Nice photos Diane

  22. how many time i do not do what i want to do but do what i dont want to do


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