Thursday, December 24, 2009

Skywatch - Gray Days

Noon Gloom - Monday 12/21/09

Dust at Dusk
- Tuesday 12/22/09

Misty Dawn - Wednesday 12/23/09
I know it's hard to believe, but this week Tucson had some days without clear blue skies or vividly colored sunrises, and sunsets. It was still interesting to skywatch. On Monday, storm clouds started rolling in and by Tuesday dust was blowing. Wednesday morning, we enjoyed a nice rain that washed away the dust.

See what's been happening in skies around the world at Skywatch Friday.


  1. Beautiful shots. Lovely variety.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. Wonderful shots, the first is my favorite. Happy Holidays!

  3. Don't we get spoiled in the Southwest with our wonderful clear skies? Lovely shots, thank you for sharing some unusual skies for your part of the world. Merry Christmas!

  4. Great variety of skies, Diane! Definitely unusual for your part of the world!

    Wishing your and yours a very Joyous, Merry Christmas!



  5. Great shots, the first and the second are outstanding!!! Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas

  6. Hi Diane, I read about that horrible accident not too far from you. It was a bunch of cars in a pile-up caused by the dust. Glad to hear that rains came and the dust is gone.

    Great pictures though--even though I usually expect to see BLUE skies in Arizona!!!!!

    Merry Christmas.

  7. That first image is stunning Diane. We got a bit of snow on Wed, but now beautiful and bright.

    Merry Christmas.

  8. even without the colors, they are still beautiful, Diane. the grayness added depth and drama.

  9. Great shot Diane. Skies are always beautiful even without the colors, even gloomy or dusky.

    Among the 3 photos, I love the first one. It looks like there's an opening and as if inviting me to the enter.

    Happy Holidays to you and to your family.

  10. Hi,

    these are very nice
    pictures, and it is an
    interesting thing to see
    that sunshine shot through
    the clouds picture...

    I want to wish you a happy
    holiday, and I also have a
    friendship award for you
    here on my blog....


  11. This tells us that everything is fast changing.

    Christmas will be a past and New Year is there waiting for us.

    Happy Holiday.

  12. Beautiful photos as always. Great to see the weather does change down there occasionally!

    Merry Christmas

  13. The dusty dusk is beautiful!
    Merry Christmas!

  14. Beautiful skies, I really like the middle one. Glad to hear your dust has been washed away. Blowing dust is something we deal with here frequently and it can be very bad.

    Merry Christmas,

  15. Super captures! Very nice. Happy Holiday!

  16. They may be gray, but those clouds are COOOOOL!

    Merry Christmas - Be safe & have fun!

  17. Thanks to that rain! Well, we have those gray skies so often nowadays. Get cloudy pretty fast and rain later. But not the dusty type he he...

  18. HI there, really b'ful shots and a lovely blog and I wish you a very merry Christmas. i wish that You receive the best in life as a Christmas present.
    love Naqvee

  19. hopefully we have sunshine today for christmas day! Happy Holidays!

  20. The sky is still beautiful Diane. These photos look kinda romantic, soft, and alluring.

    Have a wonderful Christmas day!

  21. Love the first shot, but the others look very reflective. I actually quite like grey skies - sometimes!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  22. I love that little window in the clouds in the first shot.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Diane.

  23. Beautiful moody skies. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  24. It's very soft and mysterious. Wonderful photos!

  25. The light seeping from the clouds and the plants make these photos beautiful.

  26. Isn't it so amazing how we can gaze at the sky all day and everyday but never we'll get the same sky capture?


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