Thursday, January 7, 2010

Desert Sunrise

Greetings from the Sonoran Desert! I have some skywatch pictures to share from my walk yesterday morning. I started at 7:20 AM when it was pretty dark out. Cars still had headlights on.

The temperature was a bit nippy for me, about 40 F.

When the saguaro cactus blocked the rising sun, the air looked a little misty.

I turned around, and the tops of the hills to the west had started to glow.

Then some trees and cacti lit up.

Quickly, the clouds disappeared and the whole area took on a warm yellow hue. This little verdin was seen basking in the sun at the top of a mesquite tree. Soon there were all sorts of sounds and activities to notice. All these changes happened within a half hour.
Watching the sunrise in the desert or anywhere is so exciting, every moment is fresh and new. I am reminded of a quote from the 2006 movie, Peaceful Warrior, "There is never nothing going on."

Check out more sky posts at Skywatch Friday hosted by Wren, Sandy, Sylvia, Louise, Fishing Guy and Klaus.


  1. Stunning series from your early walk! I especially am fond of the saguaro silhouettes. Those are pure magic.

  2. Thanks for the pictures, the words, and the plug.

  3. Thank you for sharing these wonderful moments and sights. The temperature is 20°F at the moment here... ;-)

  4. Thank you for sharing moments on your walk...lovely!

  5. Wow..beautiful photos, Diane..The bird is so cute!

  6. You have the most beautiful images. Thanks.

    My sky is here -

  7. Beautiful series of pictures.Love the bird shot the most..

    Have a great weekend

  8. Thanks for taking me on your early morning walk/hike. Seeing the sunrise is such a great way to start a day, isn't it?????

    You are so correct.... "There is never nothing going on." We all need to get out in nature ---as much as possible and just look around!!!


  9. These are beautiful sunrise shots. I love the cactus and the morning light.

  10. Thanks for taking us along on your walk! How beautiful -- marvelous skies and clouds, the desert views are wonderful. Love that morning light!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  11. Hi Diane
    I don't think I'll ever get tired of silhouttes of big cactuses, against colourful skies. Love them. Lovely pics.

    Have a nice weekend, E

  12. A beautiful morning walk. I wish you could send some of those skies this way. Jules and I went higher up in the foothills seeking some sun, finally it came out for about and hour and then the fog rolled back in.

  13. So you have your morning walk like I do. You must be feeling very fresh by then.

  14. Those are great! I really love the cactus silhouettes!

  15. What a great sunrise. I especially like the third photos down of the saguaro cactus. It's been hovering around 28 degrees here all day.

  16. Thank goodness your a morning person!
    These are great!!-congrats on capturing that sweet little verdin.

  17. Awesome scenes and beautiful skies!

    Thank you for sharing Diane.

    Happy weekend.

  18. It's an awesome world! The cacti and the landscape is neat (birds as well!). You certainly gave this place what it deserved best - great pictures!

  19. Oh so beautiful! Wonderful photos, Diane, and it looks so relaxing and warm too!

  20. I love your shots Diane esp with cacti silhouettes! Perfect and so dreamy.

  21. All are great shots, I can't pick a favourite.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  22. Gorgeous sky. The desert sure looks lovely in the early morning sun.

  23. Beautiful series of photos, Diane! The third one is so outstanding, and of course, the bird is a great treat!

  24. Wonderful set. I particularly like the shot with the cactus shielding the sun.

  25. Your beautiful series from your early morning walk remind me of a similar walk I took in Taos a couple of years ago ... the desert is an amazing place with magnificent views. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs and blessings,

  26. I love your sunrise walk. Such magical changes in color and light. And of course the saguaros. If it was that warm here at sunrise I might be more motivated. Excellent!!!

  27. Wow, you captured a lot going on. I liked the picture of the bird the best, I think, I also loved the sun behind the cactus. Great post and photos, well done.

  28. so cold @ 40 but that's all worth the chill, the bird you captured is so cute!

  29. Love the soft colors shining thru the saguaros, and the warmth of the the sunrise on the last shots!

  30. Thank you for this lovely reminder of an Arizona morning. =) Fabulous reflections, and I like that little verdin posing in the mesquite tree for you. (40 degrees would feel pretty good to me right now! LOL!)

  31. I'm with Lindy! 40F would have me outside in shorts and flip flops right about now :) Thanks for sharing your walk with us!

  32. What great photos! The Sonoran Desert is quite marvelous! You captured it so wonderfully


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