Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Watery Wednesday - 7 Falls

We went for a walk on Monday. The destination was Seven Falls, about four miles from the Sabino Canyon parking lot. Since this area has been in a drought, we didn't expect to find spectacular water flow. And we didn't.
There was a trickle of pleasant sounding water.
To get an idea of scale, there are two people sitting to the left of the semicircle of sand near the center of the image.

I liked the golden color of the mountaintops reflected in the shallow pools.
The guide book says this is about a 3-hour hike. It took us six, but we did get to enjoy many of the sights and sounds along the way.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Life is a journey, not a destination."

To see more posts from around the world featuring water, visit Watery Wednesday.


  1. Great shots Diane. Aside from the water part, I like the rock formations as well. Sounds like you had so much fun. Arizona is a beautiful place,I wish I could visit someday.

    An arabic friend of mine said that do not under estimate the beauty of the desert....and it is really true. Now, am enjoying everything about it.

  2. Fantastic shots, Diane! That is an awesome place. Loved the rock formations, the colors and the water and reflections. Looks as though it was a great day!!


  3. Diane, it looks like an awesome place to hike. It is nice to hear and see some water. There is a nice reflection of light on the pools.

  4. I'm glad you said there is a drought, I was looking for so much water before I remembered this is AZ we're looking at! ;-)
    These are all gorgeous photos of a majestic place!

  5. You had me at 6 hour hike! Yikes! These shots are great - I love the reflections in the small water pools. The rock formations are great. We winter in Mesa, AZ.

  6. Beautiful photos and that is one of my favorite quotes. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi Diane. We loved Sabino Canyon when we stayed in Tucson. Great area. We didn't make it to Seven Falls, so thanks for sharing. I expect there are a lot of us who would trade for your "less than spectacular water" right about this time of year! thanks for sharing some sunshine.

  8. Great photos, Diane, and I enjoy looking at each one.

  9. This is beautiful, Diane, even when it's dried!

  10. I like this place, it is totally different from my weekly routine.

  11. What MARVELOUS photos of this beautiful area. I've never been there in January but I've visited in the Fall. It is an awesome spot.
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. Those rock formations are always spectacular. They have some mini ones like that at South Mountain.

  13. WOW! You did it--congrats. I guess I'll give it a try. It took Rob 2 hours up and 2 hours back.
    Great pictures too!

  14. Me again...Rob wants to know how much water you drank. He drank almost a half gallon.

  15. Hi Jen, Chris and I started at 7:00am and we each drank about a quart. My legs and back are still sore!

  16. These are stunning photos! I really love the reflections in the last one.

  17. Now I'm certain another trip to Tucson is in order. This hike is all it will take to convince my other half! =D

    Love all those reflections in the pools. Gorgeous!

  18. Very pretty, Diane, even with NO water. George and I have hiked to many waterfalls with little or almost no water. They are still pretty!!!!!

    Where did the name come from??? Are there 6 more around???? ha


  19. Waterfalls have always had a special place in my heart. The sound of the is something I can always listen too.

  20. No rain for many days? Nonetheless, your pics are pleasant and calming even when there is no water he he...

  21. Absolutely breathtaking! Thanks for mentioning the people on the pictures... wow.

  22. I would have love to take that hike. Gorgeous views.

  23. the second pic is just a gorgeous view -thanks for sharing!

  24. the place is beautiful but seems to be dry...it can be better with some gushing waters by the falls...more relaxing than ever =)

  25. lovely shots Diane, when it rains, it feels wonder, when these dry falls will become so much alive, i was at utah before, behind a very tall rocky cliff, and then, it rained, and was so surprised that behind me all of a sudden was a gushing waterfall.


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