Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hole in the Wall

Gila Monster 04

Yes, we saw a Gila Monster today!  It is a large venomous lizard native to the Southwest US and Mexico.  They are becoming more rare and are protected by state laws.  It is illegal to "harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect the Gila Monster."

The last time I saw one, I was able to get more pictures.  Click here to see the Gila Monster at De Grazia Gallery.

Update:  I checked the hole in the wall a couple of days later and the Gila Monster was gone.


  1. I'm so glad there is a movement and legislation to protect them!

    Cute looking little gig. Or gal.

    Nice to be back here, seeing your desert beauty again!

  2. What caused you to walk over to the 'hole in the wall'? Did you notice movement? Great "discovery", and I'm glad you had your camera to share this with us.

  3. Brenda, I was checking out some subtle colors on the wall, possibly lichens. I was just lucky to notice the lizard, it didn't move at all.

  4. What a sighting! Who would think such a cute looking creature is venomous. Good to know there is a move to protect it. Good capture, Diane! :)

  5. gosh, beautiful capture Diane, i love its eyes and how it is hiding in that hole in the wall.

  6. Hi Diane, Looks like that Gila Monster has a nice home there.... He probably didn't appreciate the photos... ha

    Great pictures.

  7. Wow, that is SO awesome. I've never seen a gila monster. Sure glad AZ protects them. Beautiful and colorful creature.

  8. Eww, how scary! I'm so afraid of reptiles that I'd be screaming :( - an irrational phobia...

  9. 'gila' in Malay (our national language) means crazy. So crazy monster? This makes the lizard even more scary!

  10. I'm so glad they're protected, Diane. Glorious creature.

  11. You have soptted the monster!!

    This is your luck, but how about its?

    It maybe lucky since you have not done one of those in the list.

    By the way, "gila" means mad in Malaysia.

  12. What a great build up! I have a problem with snakes though... Shivers are running down my spine. Give me spiders any day.

  13. It's interesting to see the Gila Monster in it's natural habitat. I have never seen it's photo before. I like the gradual closeup of the photos.

  14. Wow..what a great capture, Diane! His/her skin is amazing!

  15. Was it scary? But the monster does look like very harmless!

    What a great find!

  16. That's amazing find..You have good eyes..

  17. OMG... I didn't see it coming. I gave me some goosebumps. Nice one.

  18. EXCELLENT!! I have never seen one in the wild, but my hubby has.


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