Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My World - Viewing Nature

Most mornings around sunrise I look at the sky from my window.

When it's light enough, I like to go for a little walk in my corner of the world, which happens to be the desert.

I marvel at yellow sunlight gracing various surfaces, and see what the plants look like on this particular day.

plump heart-shaped prickly pear pad

last year's cholla fruit still hanging on

ripe desert mistletoe berries

Birds are usually the first wildlife to catch my attention:

rock wren

bluebird on cactus skeleton

Many of these birds are common, but it's still exciting to view and listen to them.
cactus wren

grackles atop telephone pole

Sometimes I encounter a species that I've never seen before, like these cedar waxwings, and that's a special thrill.
cedar waxwings

I've walked this path countless times before, yet I never grow bored of it. This month I will get to see some wildflowers, butterflies, ground squirrels and reptiles!

To see what's happening in other parts of the world or to share yours, visit My World Tuesday at:


  1. Striking photos especially of those cute little birds. Like you I always notice the birds but rarely able to capture them with my camera. Your photos are wonderful

  2. Your morning sunrise is almost red colored BEAUTIFUL :-)
    All birds are so CUTE ...
    Unique shots !!!


  3. Hi Diane, You live in such a beautiful part of the world... That heart-shaped prickly pear cactus is PERFECT for Valentine's Day!!!!

    Love all of your birdies also... I think there are Grackles EVERYWHERE... Gads!!!

  4. Wonderful set of photos, I love the heart shaped cactus plant. And of course I love all the birds photos. The Waxwings are always a treat to see. Is the bluebird a western bluebird? They are so pretty. Great photos and thanks for stopping by my blog. I feel the same way as you do about nature and the birds.

  5. Beautiful nature photography. The shots of birds are very nice.

  6. You have started you day with such a beautiful moment.

    This is what most of us eagerly searching for.

  7. these are beautiful photos of a stunning place - where are you exactly in the desert??

  8. Hi Catherine, thanks, I'm in the foothills north of Tucson.

  9. You pictures are so amaizing. I invite you to visit my blog. www.smile-windie.blogspot.com/

  10. These are gorgeous pictures, and you have so many beautiful birds!

  11. Beautiful photos! The heart shaped cactus is awesome, and the last two photos of cedar waxwings are just out of this world!

  12. That heart shaped prickly pear is great!
    Congrats on all he bird sightings too-I guess they decided they like you . ;)

  13. You certainly are rewarded for getting up at sunrise. We are still sleeping through sunrise since the cloud cover obsucres it.

    My favorit of this set is the bluebird on the skelital cactus. That image is worthy of a frame. I don't think I have seen a cedar waxwing, a very pretty bird I would like to see.

  14. Your view of the world is magnificent, Diane!

  15. A blessed amazing beauty!
    Love your side of the world.
    Awesome captures Diane.

  16. Diane, I so enjoy going on a sunrise walk with you in the southern desert.

  17. As I wander from blog to blog, I now have the desire to go bird watching one day. The waxwings are camouflaged as kapok pods. You captured this shot perfectly.

  18. That heart-shape cacti is marvellous ;-D Pricks but sweet.... ironic ha ha... Nice find and good shot Diane! It is always nice to drop by your blog. Have a great day.

  19. The first photo is breath-taking.

  20. Amazing world... I like the second photo - such a different world.

  21. You have such an amazing world. I like the heart shaped cactus. I have never seen such kind of cactus, and the bird shots..all are wonderful.

  22. How could you get bored, it's so beautiful and colourful!

  23. Photos of many types of birds look interesting and beautiful. The cactus skeleton formed a nice design and makes that photo beautiful with colorful bluebird.

  24. You know Diane, a lot of people might look at these pictures and wonder what on earth you see which is nice about this dry desert. I look at it and see so much beauty there which surrounds you. Things which are so totally different and unknown to city folks. I love seeing these pictures of yours. They make me think of wide open spaces, fresh air and a part of nature I love.

  25. I tired to find some cedar waxwings last month but failed. So you had them up there! We added bluebirds to our Sabino Canyon Bird count last month for the first time ever! I like the shot of the one sitting on the cactus skeleton.

  26. these are gorgeous photos!you really get a sense of the quietness

  27. Diane,
    Thanks for all the visits coming from your site to www.goododles.com! Your happiness as you meander along the desert pathways is in the stunning beauty of your photos. The sunrise still has me smiling...and good for energetic you to catch it each morning! By the way, one of the goodoodles in my blog is about the guacamole at Loews Ventana Canyon and its delightful signed trails up to the waterfall. While I recall the shock the building of the hotel created decades ago on an up to then virgin desert, I think it did so in a tasteful, unobtrosive way and gives back with every visitor who falls in love as they learn more about the beautiful Arizona Sonora desert. Just as you give back with each post. Smiles, April

  28. P.S. I intended to say thanks, not plug my blog, but since i did, at least i should have noticed the misspell! www.goodoodles.com
    That's a mother of four on the run for you!!! Have a great one!

  29. Did you get all that rain we did last week? Just wondering.....

  30. Hi Deedee, We got a good amount of rain and it was delightful!

  31. I love the bluebird on the Cholla's skeleton!

  32. What a lovely morning view you have each day ... marvelous photographs of your desert world ... beautiful cactus views and delightful array of feathers friends too. Thanks for sharing ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  33. I would imagine you'll have quite the show of wildflowers this spring.

    Beautiful walking trail you have. And look at all those cedar waxwings; not one but NINE!

  34. I have never see pink cactus beforeand also heart shape cactus.
    Now you show me all.
    Thanks Diane, these shot are so uplifting!
    Great day, great day!


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