Thursday, June 17, 2010

June Sky Snapshots

Just a typical early morning stroll to see what's happening in the desert:
 Looking east at 6:00AM, sunlight starts streaming into the canyon

 6:45AM an agave welcomes the warm morning sun

 Bees love agaves

 Heading south at 7:00AM past the waving saguaro

 This cactus still has sweet smelling blossoms

Mr. Quail calls, "Chi-CA-go-go" over and over.

See more sky pictures from around the world at Skywatch Friday, hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Sylvia.


  1. What beautiful blossoms that cactus had! And the quail is so cute!

  2. Those AZ blue skies sure do nicely accent the desert life.

  3. Great photos. I love the sunlight streaming in the first shot. And the blooming cactus is very pretty. I have never seen one. Nice capture of the quail also.

  4. Beautiful photos. I love the one of the quail, he is so cute. You have a wonderful place for morning strolls.

  5. Gorgeous captures. Love the cactus flowers.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. LOVE your quail shot! We used to be told that saguaros only bloom when they are 'disturbed'. This year, the saguaros are sure blooming, and beautiful! Your photos capture it all.

  7. Such a cloudless sky looks HOT!
    I had no idea that is what quails said.

  8. I am TOTALLY in awe of cactus and flowers in the desert because I have never seen them in person. This is something I hope to rectify in the next two years by going on a trip there. What time of year would be best for a photography trip out there?

  9. Wonderful photos. Before 6 AM, eh? :-0

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the cactus flowers and the quail is cool! Happy skywatching!

  11. The sky is so clear. Must be quiet hot these days. I have lived in Phoenix and it used to get very hot :)

  12. Beautiful shots from the desert. The flowers are beautiful.

  13. A clear blue sky provides an excellent backdrop for almost any subject. Nicely done.

  14. What a beautiful post, Diane... I love seeing the beautiful Arizona skies. Love seeing the flowering Cactus and love seeing the Quail....

  15. Oh those cactus flowers so big! They release fragrance? I should have double check my little cactus's bloom which blossomed the other day. I thought I smelt something. Could be from my neighbour's laundry that was drying out next door he he... I'll definitely remember to check if the bloom from my cactus releases any smell next time.

  16. Lovely shots Diane. I like the cactus with sweet blossoms and the quail.

    I must start observing the cacti over here, hope I could find like what you've found.

    Have a great weekend dear.

  17. Some one here has an agave plant. I followed it as it budded and finally flowered. My daughter teased me that I was a stalker.

    It looked like yours.

  18. wonderful moments and captures!! regards

  19. like dessert creature not seen them before...

  20. I have never see such flowers on a cactus, Diane. So beautiful! I've heard about the desert in springtime, but never seen it... thank you for giving us a chance to peek in! And that sunrise! Breathtaking.

    It is such fun seeing the desert through your eyes. Cheers!

  21. Gorgeous and delightful summer skies.
    Happy SWF Diane. Have a lovely weekend.

  22. Wow! A whole set of beautiful pictures!

  23. What a beautiful walk. Thanks for taking us.

  24. Enjoyed the cyber tour of desert flowers. Interesting!

  25. the saguaro cactus are really beautiful, wonderful set of pictures again, Diane. thanks always for sharing to us the amazing wonders and beauty of the desert.

  26. The simplicity of your photos makes them very dramatic. I like your descriptions, too. I see that TJ is already going shopping!

  27. I love morning scene. I love walking in the morning.

    This is always a great start of a day.

    Same as yours.

  28. this always make me remember good old days

  29. I love the desert ! ... looks so bare at first sight but yet so many treasures !

  30. Your shots are amazing. The sunrise over the canyon is gorgeous. Love those cacti shots as well.

  31. So very very beautiful! My favorites are the cactus flowers. How I would love to see the desert again ...

  32. Those are not snapshots. They are works of art!

  33. the june sky is so clear and blue

  34. Great shots! I love the blooming cactus! The light in the first one is beautiful!

  35. These are really outstanding captures! Very well shot!!

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  36. A beautiful résumé of what is in the desert!

  37. These are gorgeous! I love the flowers on the cactus!


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