Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Deer sighting

White-tailed doe with fawn

I recently saw this doe and fawn in the desert.  The little one looked playful, running around in circles with its fluffy white tail up in the air.  Every so often it would stop and rest by its mom's side.   The mom was eating green leaves from shrubs growing among the cactus. 

I tried to take a short video of the scampering fawn, but the vegetation was so thick and tall, the little one could barely be seen.  Luckily, it stood still long enough to pose for this photo.  Although not pictured, there were three other adult deer with them browsing leaves.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwww...
    What a wonderful picture and I am so envious.
    A Wildcat moseyed by the other day but I haven't seen any Deer. Kind of glad because even though we are smack up against the mountains there are still too many cars.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. These two are adorable with the sun highlighting their beards. Mom's one ear looks like she's fought a few battles. Great capture!

  3. the way they give looks is so amazing.. no wonder they are also surprised to find us surprised.


  4. What a wonderful sighting! They look like they're posing. a lovely photo!

  5. I did not know you get deer in the desert. They look so cute, especially the little ones.

  6. I really like the lighting in this shot too. Don't you love the little ones...like puppies and kittens. :)

  7. What a sweet shot. You just know the little one is still so unafraid and the Mama is trying to teach it to be careful.

  8. I do not know why, once I see your deer, I think about the monkeys over here.

  9. I'm amazed that they can graze and frolic amid that spiny vegetation! Great portrait!

  10. Wonderful photos of this pair! Our deer here don't seem to have such big ears!

  11. Terrific pictures of the deer, Diane... I never tire of seeing pictures of deer...They are marvelous creatures.

  12. What a wonderful picture. I love their tufted little beards, and their amazingly large ears. Beautiful!

  13. I thought they will not be able to move around that much as they are plenty of thorns around. But I think they are so used to the surroundings to know how to... :-D Thanks for this delightful shot!

  14. Outstanding photo,Diane. Amazing how they have adapted to the harsh vegetation and landscape.

  15. I never would have thought to see deer in the desert... I don't know why I thought that. A strikingly lovely shot!

  16. The expression on their faces are priceless..Beautiful photo!

  17. Spectacular capture! Hope the cacti won't poke them :-)

  18. Fantastic! Thanks for this.

    All the best, Boonie

  19. It´s a fascinating image! They are looking so friendly:-)) I send you a lot of hugs and wish you a nice day!

  20. Both of them look cute. Funny how they are not afraid of all the prickly thorns.

  21. That must be so cool to be able to be so close for a photo!!! Actually it happened to us in a state park in Georgia...the white tailed deer there were so used to humans, we could walk right up to us, and they even were all coming right up to the edge of the swimming pool...so amazing! They are wonderous creatures!!!

  22. Their beautiful pink ears stand out in the surrounding.


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