Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunshine and Ice

These pictures are from the morning of Feb. 04, 2011, when the temperature was 18f (-8c). This area had some freaky cold weather for a few days! The average low temperature for Tucson in February is 41f.

Wishing everyone warmth, good health and happiness. :)


  1. Beautiful photos, Diane! It still looks a very welcoming place, even with the cold. We've gone all springlike here now, with sunshine and birdsong and snowdrops - bliss!

  2. These are all beautiful, but I especially like the reflection shot. The mocking bird all fluffed up is a favorite too.
    We've been having some weird weather for sure.

  3. Hi Diane, What - ice in Tucson? I really like the sun's glow on the cardinal. The birds must wonder if they should have migrated further south! Happy Valentine Day.

  4. Beautiful Diane:) Hope you're keeping well. Blessings from Jo, East Africa

  5. That was some cold weather !
    You took some wonderful photos.
    The Cardinal, Deer and Sparrow look a bit suprised.
    Thank goodness it has warmed up.

    All my citrus trees took a huge hit. Harlows comes out next month to see what can be done.
    My pool had a layer of ice completely covering it. I run the equipment all night to keep the pipes from freezing but when it shut off that morning ice still formed. Now that was cold !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. It doesn't look that cold! Gorgeous, all of them, I particularly like the icicles!

  7. I hope all flowers and plants can stand the cold days.


  8. I guess the blizzard affected your weather too? It's interesting to see ice in Arizona.

  9. I bet those temps were hard on a lot of landscaping. You were able to get some great shots of ice, though.

  10. Beautiful photos! It was 17 degrees in Thermal (near the Salton Sea) and farmers set bales of hay on fire to ward off the cold air...didn't work and the pepper and potato crops were ruined. That set a new "low" overnight record.

  11. What wonderful photoes. The ones with blue sky look warm! But there is the ice!

  12. Those birds seemed not to be effected by the cold weather.

  13. Greetings from Japan...
    Beautiful beautiful photos!
    I have not come to the point of taking such pretty bird pictures...

  14. Beautiful Pictures. The bird is very beautiful!

  15. It must be freezing cold for you to have icicles like that. Hope it warms up soon. Gorgeous photos to see..

  16. Amazing icicles has been freaky weather everywhere!

  17. What a wonderful serie of this landscape! The bird is a colour eplosion. Hugs from Luzia.

  18. Gosh that's really cold for your place right? And it's funny to see ice in desert. Thanks for your greetings. I wish your family and yourself the same :-D Have a great week!

  19. Wow, that’s cold. Great photos.

    Have a good week, Boonie

  20. The landscape photos look nice. I like the photos of ice formations and the composition of bird photos.

  21. You never fail to impress me, my dear.

    Beautiful images!

    Have a great day!

    B xx

  22. Hi! Isn't the weather getting so weird these days?

    Your photos are always stunning, such a delight for my eyes to see =)

  23. who would have thought these temps in California! Love the reflection in the middle. Can't believe I'm saying to you, Keep warm!

  24. Ahhh...spectacular images! I will be visiting Tucson in March and am eager to experience the desert ... to BE with her unique qualities.

  25. Amazing shots. The landscape and birds are beautiful.

  26. Great pictures, I especially like the one of the cardinal perched on the thorns. I like the thought of hiking in a desert and seeing icicles!

  27. Beautiful pictures! What a wonderful place!

  28. Hi, Diane, I haven't stopped by in a while, but I'm glad I did today! As always, your photos are a superb representation of what I picture your little corner of the world to be like. Except, of course, the icicles!! ~karen

  29. These pictures are fantastic and amazing !!!!!!!!! Congratulatios

  30. Ice in the desert...who would have thought! Love the shots and beautiful cardinal!

  31. Your shots are wonderful
    with such a bleu sky
    i cannot believe that its so cold !!

  32. Wow, that's cold for Tucson. Pretty photos of a cold desert day.

  33. That's cold no matter where one lives! Your photos are lovely, especially the water and icicles.


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