Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cooper's Hawk


  1. Wow! I love the photos, but thank you so much for the video. It was just like being there. Beautiful!

  2. Beautiful ! ! !
    Thank you for the wonderful video.

    A Coopers Hawk now lives near my home, he loves to sit in one of my trees, I am up high on a hill.
    All I see is a flash of wing zoom by while he swoops down and catches his dinner. Since my neighbor has lots of Pack Rats around their land I am very happy he has come to visit.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Great capture of the call, I heard a similar call yesterday but didn't get a good enough look at the bird to know if it was a sharp shinned or cooper's hawk.

  4. i should remind myself to see the video later at home, here at school I could not access it :( saw lots of birds in our hike Sunday too, they are always exciting to see.

  5. How beautiful with the sound and the setting!

  6. Beautiful captures!

    Have a great day.

  7. I know we have Cooper's hawks in the area, and their call seems familiar ... but mostly we have red-tail hawks, and they sound much different.

  8. Beautiful picture of the hawk, Diane... We have some hawks around here --but I've only seen ONE near my backyard.. Hopefully, they'll stay away from my little backyard birds.

  9. I have never heard or seen anything like that. Birds like that are scarce around here.

  10. That's a great capture, Diane! We seem to have some hawks around here, too, but I'm not sure if they are copper hawks.

  11. What great photos - and video - Diane! They are so beautiful. Once when my husband and I went out for our morning walk one had been eating its breakfast in our front yard and was circling overhead. I didn't have my camera though. They are amazing to watch.

  12. Thanks for the sound! Good to know the noise from such bird. Happy bird watching Diane.

  13. beautiful shots, and the video was sweet!


  14. I like your video, and it's great to see the hawk!

  15. There is a pair of Cooper's Hawks nesting at the Tucson Botanical Gardens in a Euc near the Butterfly Pavilion. The female has a white chest and it's very unusual. Cool birds and great shots!

  16. PS. You got all the cats attention during the video. I am laughing right now playing it over and over again. All 5 jumped on the table...and it's quite the moment.


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