Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Baby Cardinals

Up in the oleander bushes, the nest is hard to see.

Here it is:

Arrow is pointing to parent's tail

Three baby cardinals in the nest!


The parents work hard getting food and feeding the youngsters.

Mrs. Cardinal at the feeder

Mr. Cardinal looking for bugs in the garden

Yesterday afternoon, one fledgling left the nest.

It landed on the ground below the oleander bushes.

And it was still there this morning.

Although it may not be very good at flying yet, the little cardinal has two attentive parents to care for it.

I suspect the cardinal couple has been living in our yard for about three years but this was the first time we saw their nest.  And now a different kind of nest is in our front yard which I will probably report on in a future blog post.  Have a nice week!


  1. Aw, cute photos. It's always fun to find a nest and observe the nestlings as they grow and fledge.

  2. What an awesome family and how exciting!
    Just hoping that there won't be any cat around.

  3. Gorgeous pictures, Diane. We don't have them nesting in our yard (I don't think) ---but they bring the babies to our feeders... They are adorable...


  4. awwwwwwwww such a lovely post today.

    I have a Cardinal Mum and Dad that hangs around my yard but I haven't seen a nest or babies.
    I have a bird house in my side yard with the tiniest opening in it and this is the second year that a tiny finch ? family has moved in. It was scheduled for some home improvements but they started nest building and chasing the doves away before the home improvements could get started.
    The bird house is right where I can see it from my studio window so I have lots of entertainment everyday.

    Wonderful post today !

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Sweet pictures. I don't suppose you can place baby back in the next can you? I'm with Therese and worry about cats.

  6. Hi, we put the bird back in the nest a couple of times, but it kept coming down. Now they are all out of the nest. I do hope the neighbor cat doesn't see them.

  7. How lucky you are! They are so sweet. I have been having trouble commenting on your blog. Glad I'm able to today.

  8. As I went back to comment on the ones blogger had told me there were errors on, I see that my comments are there. Go figure. :)

  9. I am monitoring a new born Bulbul of two in my garden too.

  10. Great pictures. This is the first time I have seen a Cardinal,they are lovely birds. The babies are just gorgeous.

  11. How fun to watch the nest. Hope that little fledge makes it.

  12. you are so lucky!!! it seems you have all wonderful things going on there always. love your shots and most of all the experience you have Diane.

  13. What a great series of photos, Diane! I love the baby cardinal's spiked "hair."

  14. Incredible shots of these sweet birds. Love the open mouths:)))

  15. What a sight to behold! Love the fact that the parents are so responsible. You have a nice week too!

  16. So lovely! Great set of photos :-)

  17. Lovely pictures!!! Hope you are have fun watching the little ones.

  18. You must have a great camera to capture such wonderful images! I hope the baby cardinal can fly soon to avoid danger.

  19. What a wonderful privilege to get these views into the Cardinals' nest!

  20. Thank you for consistently posting wonderful pictures. I love to visit your blog and see where or what I get to see on your journeys. It's great fun!

  21. Awwww, the birds are so pretty and the babies are just adorable! Sure hope the fledgling that's on the ground will be safe from predators!

    Really nice photos!

  22. Great series, Diane, I hope the little one doesn't become cat food.

  23. How wonderful to see the nest and baby cardinals! The baby looks so vulnerable!

  24. what a lovely family! indeed love is everywhere...would love to read on the different kind of nest you found in your yard again :-)

  25. Oh my goodness, how cute! I hope it starts flying before a cat comes along. I have another blogger friend that is showing baby hummers. I sure love spring.


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