Friday, March 22, 2013

At the Conservatory

While visiting daughter and family in Massachusetts last week, we explored the Botanic Garden of Smith College in Northampton where the Spring Bulb Show was happening.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Looks different from Arizona, doesn't it????? ha... Great photos from the conservatory... Reminded me of the conservatory at Biltmore.

    Love seeing all of the spring blooms.. SO pretty..

    Great pictures of the little family. I know you are thrilled to see your new granddaughter.

  2. Great to see all those Spring flowers looking so pretty. We should be in the middle of Spring here but it is still FREEZING! The wind today was biting! Can't last much longer I keep thinking! xCathy

  3. A riot of colour, a big boy :-) and a pink cutie, matching the flowers!!

  4. Was just thinking we aren't in Arizona anymore. Beautiful photos and of course the family !
    So sweet.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Such a sweet smile in the desert.

  6. oh what a wonderful mix of colors, the beauty of spring in big exclamation point.

  7. Lovely to wander thru a conservatory, especially with family. And to experience new environments.

  8. Gorgeous area, beautiful blooms, and a sweet family!!! What a great time!!!

  9. It looks like cold outside but so cozy inside with all these blooms.
    Quite an experience I am sure compare to Arizona flora! And with the family reunited it's so more enjoyable.
    How funny, I just recognized a flower I did not even know two days ago! The Fritillaria on the picture number 6. Such an amazing looking flower.

  10. Nice Botanic Garden.and beautiful flowers...what a beautiful family...your grandchildren are lovely..hugs..

  11. Looks like a fun trip... and the blue color of the skies... so nice...

  12. Hi Diane, Lovely to see the smiling faces of your family - I see that Tyler likes to run! Will be visiting my friend in AZ again in May - looking forward to the desert in spring.

  13. Oh my. What a different world you present us with week, Diane. I know you are enjoying your visit. Happy times.

  14. Your daughter and family make a cute picture. I know you must've had a lot of fun visiting. The flowers are lovely. Nice to see the spring colors.

  15. Beautiful photographs, beautiful place, flowers are reminding of the spring. I am greeting

  16. Hello! Beautiful place and sweet family!

  17. Wizyta u córki z pewnością była bardzo miła, a odwiedzenie ogrodu to dodatkowa atrakcja. Zrobiłas tam bardzo ładne zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam.
    Visit with her daughter certainly was very nice, and visiting the garden is an additional attraction. You made some very nice pictures. Yours.


Thank you for visiting. :)