Saturday, September 27, 2014


Hello! Here are a variety of snapshots from the desert, around the garden and of the sky.

I've been noticing new needles sprouting on the tops of some young saguaros. It seems that the new spines start out reddish in color before turning light grey. Most of the saguaros around here are too tall to see their tops.

The barrel cacti are blooming!

Hard to see, but there's a metallic green bee crawling out of the red flower.

The two pictures below look almost monochromatic except for the dove's pinkish legs and feet.

A tiny toad on my patio:

Indian Mallows pop up all around the garden. I planted one from the nursery many years ago and now there are about a dozen. I like their soft velvety leaves.

An Albert's towhee has been visiting the backyard this month, usually hopping around in the shadows, but for a second it posed on a chair in the sunlight.

Jupiter and the Moon 9/20/14  5:56am

Orion, Sirius and Jupiter 9/27/14  4:43am

Clouds over Tucson 9/20/14  7:11am

y  W e !


  1. I just adore your blog and look forward to when you post.
    Because we have had so much rain this summer everything is growing and blooming !
    We are so lucky.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Love the full frontal toad. His look is priceless!

  3. Oh gosh....everything so beautiful!!!!! Thanks for all your lovely photos!!!!!

  4. It's oh so lovely there in the desert! The barrel cacti are beautiful. You were up early for that star photo! I like the bunny relaxing and the tiny frog.

  5. The dove wears a pair of pinkish socks.

  6. Lovely series of images.. I love the dove and towhee. The cacti blooms are just beautiful. The sky shots are awesome.. Have a great day!

  7. The blooming cacti are gorgeous. I also love the rabbit and the frog.

  8. How many among us would love to have hair turn grey if for certainty spring would bring back the color we had? Lucky saguaros!
    What a tiny toad!

  9. I really like all the rabbits that you meet around your home. When cacti bloom they are gorgeous, aren't they.

  10. Preciosas las fotos vistas en grande.
    Me encantan los cactus, tengo unos cuantos metidos en una urna de cristal.
    Que simpático el sapo;))


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