Friday, February 27, 2015

February Snapshots

Hello! The first seven pictures are from a nature walk to the creek.

misty morning

canyon towhee

cactus wren

goldfinch on a mesquite tree

The rest of the images are from our backyard.

aloe, cardinal, Cooper's hawk in the rain, echeveria

Sam still likes to visit our yard. The birds don't seem to be bothered by him.

I keep experimenting with growing vegetables.

collard greens

warbler, verdin, hummingbird, vireo

We hung up a new thistle seed sock and the finches found it immediately.

house finches and goldfinches

  Have a nice day! 


  1. Love thistle socks! I am here visiting and I never want to go back! we did look at some places to buy though so we are getting closer! Soon I hope!

  2. A morning is always beautiful and lively.

  3. I am always excited when I see a post from you pop up on my blog roll.
    And you did not disappoint. Wonderful photos today. Plus a new and exciting header photo.
    Have not started my garden yet. I have the smallest protected garden ever. But new this year watermelon radishes and shishito peppers.
    I hope !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Fantastic collection of photos ! Especially I like to watch the birds !

  5. The walk to the creek, cacti around and birds was great. Around the house are also beautiful flowers and birds. Regards.

  6. I love seeing your desert images - it's snowing hard here! All those finches - it looks like they'll have a feast. The goldfinch is really puffed-up.

  7. It sure is pretty there!

  8. It looks like an idyllic walk Diane, love the misty scene.
    The finches are amazing when it comes to seeking out the seed feeders aren't they?

  9. An amazing series! The birds are so beautiful!

  10. Amazing wildlife in your backyard!

  11. What a lovely walk. I enjoyed all your birds and flowers. Have a good day.

  12. Beautiful all Diane. The water, plus, I love to see it running free.
    Happy monday.

  13. Looks like spring has sprung in your world. Although we've had a mild winter, I always look forward to spring.

  14. How beautiful! You have so many interesting things in your photos. I have the thistle socks, but our little verdins have disappeared. Now only finches and sparrows come to them...sigh...
    Cheryl Ann~~


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