Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Last year we found a hummingbird nest in our backyard. Broad-billed hummingbirds used the same nest again this year.

Both eggs hatched this time.

But one day a baby was out of the nest and it turned up in the turtle's water dish! The baby bird was under the water with just its little beak and face sticking up out of the water.

I pulled the bird out of the water and placed it back on the nest. It looked okay. I went in the house and watched from the window as the parent tended to it right away. Both babies stayed in the nest three more days.

Last year I got this picture of a mother feeding her fledgling after it left the nest:

Have a great day!


  1. The babies are so adorable! It looks so small in your hand. I hope it was okay after the swim in the turtle's water dish.

  2. Hi Gunilla, Yes the baby bird seemed to be doing well. :)

  3. That is incredible!!! You saved the little one's life! There are a lot of great tips in here for people with nests in their yard. Just put them back in if they flutter out by accident. And it's good to know that they use their old nests again. I had my first pair this year in our garden and it was really cool to watch. Stunning photos Diane!

  4. Beautiful baby birds.
    Wonderful photos.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. So cool you were able to rescue that baby hummer! Also interesting to see all the stuff they use to build their nest.

  6. I love hummingbirds, they are so beautiful! I am so glad you found that baby in time and he didn't drown. Great pictures!

  7. My son loves hummingbirds. I have to show him these photos. SO glad the little baby bird didn't drown.

  8. Good morning Diane!
    Love hummingbirds, they are adorable!
    Just great that you can saved the litthe baby!
    In my garden, when the Pink Tabebuia (Ipê Rosa in Portuguese) and the Golden Trumpet Tree (Ipê Amarelo) are in full blossom, there are so many hummingbirds around the pink and the yellow flowers.
    I think it is difficult to took photo of birds, principally the hummingbirds. They fly so very fast.
    You took great photos, Diane! Well done!
    Sending warm hugs.

  9. You are a great rescuer.
    You are great shooter too.

  10. Wow! It's wonderful indeed! Thank you very much for sharing so lovely moments...
    Hugs and friendship from Brasil

  11. Wow, good thing you were there!

  12. Good morning Diane!
    Just stopping by to thank you for your nice comment on Good Fences's post.
    Have a happy weekend too! :)

  13. Diane, What wonderful photos! How lucky to view this nest and the hatchlings. I'm happy if I just see a Hummer! We're keeping watch over a Mama Junco and her nest - so far so good, but I haven't dared get close enough to the nest to even count the eggs. I'm afraid she'll abandon them if I disturb her. We even try to put our kitchen light on before dark, so the sudden glare of light won't startle her. I thing we're nuts! You're my superhero for saving the baby Hummer! Hope you have a great summer.

  14. Hi Diane... what lovely captures... both mommy birdie and the baby birdies are soooo cute...

  15. I am so disappointed to not see hummingbirds yet this year. They have always visited my coral bells and snapdragons each year, and I have not caught a glimpse of them yet. Thank you for sharing yours!

  16. Such an observation! What a bond etween mother and child.


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