Monday, December 21, 2009

Mellow Yellow December

Greetings from the desert! These are some of the yellow things seen around here during the past week.

1. Lesser Goldfinch
2. Cottonwood tree
3. Brittlebush bloom
4. Lemons
5. Barrel cactus fruit

For more Mellow Yellow Monday posts featuring a little or a lot of the color yellow click here.
Have a great week!


BK said...

What a beautiful bird.

rainfield61 said...

Your yellow tells some interesting but silent stories.

Bacolod and Beyond Journey said...

love your photos, thanks for sharing. A blessed Monday!

Tania said...

Really nice! Great shot;-)
I want summer.. have a great day!

Self Sagacity said...

Pretty bird. Birds are like flowers to me, so relaxing. Have a good day!

Thérèse said...

Hello Yellow!
Very refreshing.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

desert rejoices
when brittlebush blooms and wren
builds nest in cactus

My Mellow Yellow

Gaelyn said...

Great captures of the desert's yellows Diane.

Kim, USA said...

You are in the desert but you have flashes of bright colors, amazing!!Thanks for sharing!

Nativity scene

Stephanie V said...

Such a sweet little bird. Does it sing as sweetly?

Diane AZ said...

Steph, they do make a sweet call that sounds like "chee" especially when humans are present.

Icy BC said...

Beautiful yellow things! The bird is terrific Diane!

BTW--You're gonna be a grandma, congratulation!

Diane AZ said...

Thanks Icy, This will be my first grandchild, it's very exciting! :)

Unknown said...

Nice bird - what a colour. And that cactus, unusual colour.

Anonymous said...

The desert is beautiful in December!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The barrel cactus fruits look very interesting. Are thye edible?

I just pick the last of my lemos, and had to use a stick.

Merry christmas.

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photos. I love seeing all the yellow.

Stephanie said...

Yellow is one of my favourite colours! Like the bird very much. The yellow body is like painted on he he...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great Mellow Yellow pictures from Arizona, Diane... Thanks for sharing.

Merry Christmas.

Loree said...

What a pretty goldfinch.

✿France✿ said...

Bonjour il est magnifique cet oiseau que la nature est belle

storyteller said...

Ah ... wonderful yellows shared this week. Love them all but your mosaic is quite special with the two-toned highlights. I didn't share yellows this week but am glad I picked this one up while I was here. Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday!
Hugs and blessings,

Ayie said...

I love that yellow chested bird. We have varieties of yellow birds back home, dad breeds them.

DoanLegacy said...

Love cactus flowers! It's wonderful to know that from a prickly cactus, a beautiful flower can still be found.