Monday, December 28, 2009

Ruby Tuesday - Costco

About once a month I shop at Costco to stock up on groceries. The store and its baskets are trimmed with red which reminds me of the Ruby Tuesday meme. And this time of year there seems to be an increase in merchandise and shoppers sporting the color red.

To see more fun Ruby Tuesday posts, visit Mary T's Work of the Poet.


Lindy said...

Wow, you really captured a LOT of red in a short amount of time! You must have arrived at opening time to find all the carts in an orderly fashion. =)I like all those floral arrangements. I bet they smelled wonderful.

Happy RT!

Ralph said...

Red is all around this Costco! Yet, like Target, ruby seems to be a great attraction to us retail buyers. Even the buyers offer lots of ruby in their shoppingwear. They all seem ready to support their favorite retailer. Happy New Year!

Albert Lázaro-Tinaut said...

A very good blog, fantastic photos: congratulations!
I wish you a happy 2010.
Best regards from Barcelona.

Icy BC said...

Red is a beautiful color, and you've captured some very fun scenes! The candle one is the best though.

Anonymous said...

This is a great time of year to photograph red. :)

penny said...

My husband and I love going to Costco. They have a wonderful variety of things to browse through.
Have a Happy and Healthy New Year, Diane.

Dimple said...

A lot of red there; it seems to be a Costco color. Thanks for visiting!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, We don't have Costco near us--but we do have Sam's (which is similar). AND--like you, we go there about once a month. Sam's has the BEST meat of anyone--so we buy our chicken, beef and pork there...

Happy New Year!!!

Kim, USA said...

Oh I go to Sams ^_^ but red is all over this season. Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

Salsa and Tomato sauce

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love those candles!

My Ruby Tuesday. Wishing you and your family a happy new year!

Unknown said...

Nice pics Diane. Sure is lots of red...

storyteller said...

Looks like many of the customers were wearing red too! Bringing your camera to Costco yielded LOTS of 'rubies' ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
My Ruby Tuesday

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow, was it 'wear red' day at Costco? Cool shots, I especially like the one of the shopping carts.

Hope you had a great Christmas,

Unknown said...

red is a vibrant color, it probably gave all these shoppers energy to shop.:p

Stephanie said...

Ruby or red is definitely the colour of the season :D That shopper in the last pic even wore red to go shopping. Have a merry New Year!

Regina said...

A blessed Holidays
Cheers for the New Year!

Regards Diane.

Self Sagacity said...

nice ruby tuesday! lots of red and action pictures.

rainfield61 said...

The last one is fun, 100%.

Anya said...

Have nice Holidays :-)

The photo's are very unique !!
The last two are Cute ...

Thérèse said...

Perfect illustrations for a Ruby Tuesday! Funny Chandler's picture today has been taken at Costco... :)

Stephanie V said...

I don't think I've ever noticed so much red at our Costco...except maybe my bank account when I leave LOL Those bargains are irresistible.
Happy New Year!

Marice said...

lotsa lotsa rubies :)

u may view mine here, have a happy holidays

cieldequimper said...

You have such excellent ideas! Fantastic ruby post. Funny to see all those wreaths after Christmas and of course, people without coats!!! ;-)

Maia T said...

There are gorgeous colors in your photos. I like the pattern formed by the baskets in the second one.
Beautiful composition with the red candles too.

betchai said...

the cart picture is very interesting, i don't think i've seen that many carts before, amazing.

XoXo said...

Oh wow! I love the candles...nice photo Diane.

concretenprimroses said...

Lots of interesting ruby photos. I enjoyed looking.

Jen said...

Great shots of Ruby Red! That lady in the last shot is fabulous. Did you pay her? LOL ~~ only kidding.

Auntie E said...

Lots of reds caught in actions.

Tes said...

You captured a lot of reds, Diane! Delightful to look at. Good capture!

Ayie said...

they said costco has really good deals but I never shopped there yet, not too near my place so it's quite inconvenient

DoanLegacy said...

Wow..beautiful red! Love the tall candles..

Sorry for the delay in visiting..