Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa's Big Adventure

I often pass by this house when I go for a walk. The lady who lives there is creative and resourceful using the same bale of hay as a platform for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations.

Here is Santa Claus on his sled with a reindeer. In case you don't know, the little browns sacks on the ground are luminarias, or southwestern lanterns. Traditionally luminarias have candles set in bags of sand, but these use tiny electric lights which are less dangerous.

I noticed the reflection of the white reindeer in the window across the street during daylight...
and I found the reflection again at night.

Oops, my camera moved while shooting Santa and the reindeer!
(The following pictures are not of reflections)

I liked the squiggly picture in the camera screen, and tried shaking the camera some more.

Motion distorts images like reflections. Maybe that's why it appeals to me.

Okay back to earth now. Santa looks a little dizzy, but he's safe and sound.
This reminds me...One day last year, this very Santa Claus and his sled went missing! Turned out someone had played a prank and switched the decorations in the neighborhood. Santa eventually made it home from up the street unharmed. The practical joker brought neighbors together who had not met before. It wasn't me!

For all sorts of reflections posts visit Newtown Area Photo, hosted by James.


Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely reindeer, i like it in all its reflected and squiggly forms!

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh how I like the story of the joker and switching lawn decorations. I hope everyone is still knowing each now a year later.

Maria said...

Sweet raindeer, love your distorted images where the light flows around it it´s own way.

My reflection

Julie said...

You are probably like me and seeing reflections all over the place now that we are in this meme.

I love the bouncing light and the story of the prankster.

Have a good holiday.

Leslie said...

Love the merry prankster! Great way to spread some cheer.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Now that is very creative, Diane.... That bale of hay has had many uses this fall.... LOVE it....

Glad the 'prank' worked out okay... Sometimes they don't.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I like the squiglies too. How can I tell you were having fun? Hah! Nice series of reflections in keeping with the holiday spirit.

Icy BC said...

Beautiful reflections, and it's perfect since Christmas is so close already!

Sunny said...

I like your reflections and your creativeness. Very cute pictures!
Sunny :)

Tom Bailey said...

I would not have figured out the lights had you not shared that. That seems like a fairly mild practical joke in the big picture.

Thanks for sharing.


cieldequimper said...

I love your jumping shots, they are so artsy and fun! The reflections are cool and I like the way the hay is recycled from one celebration to the next.
And phew, I'm relieved Santa is fine after all that shaking!

Anonymous said...

I wondered about luminarias being safe - someone else posted about them recently. I like the idea of putting cool lights in the bags.

Santa sure did have an adventure!

Unknown said...

LOL, nice post, Love the squiggly pictures.

VP said...

Interesting variations on a theme and neat reflections. A very nice post.

Maia T said...

Day and night reflection, what a great idea. They are both beautiful. Very creative idea with the distort images too.

Stephanie said...

What a fun display of Santa and the reindeer! Nice story and photos Diane :-D Have a fun filled weekend to you too.

Stephanie said...

What a fun display of Santa and the reindeer! Nice story and photos Diane :-D Have a fun filled weekend to you too.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I have taken pics like those last ones too Diane and I love the patterns they make.

SquirrelQueen said...

She is very creative, a lovely display. I like the squiggly line photos, especially the middle one. I find them appealing as well.

VioletSky said...

a non-malicious prank! what fun.
I had no idea Santa was so small!

Serendipity said...

Lovely festive series of reflections! I love the shaky shots!

rainfield61 said...

I like Santa Claus. I like reindeer.

I like the reindeer in the window, but Santa Claus just refused to show his face.

Self Sagacity said...

Very cute post. The pictures are nicely done as well.

Annie Bear said...

Nice find and great captures. It's really neat that you got the reflection during the day and night, great idea.

Ashley said...

Great post! I love the reflection! Happy Holidays.

Gaelyn said...

Nice that a harmless prank brought neighbors together. Love the squiggles effect. Very fun.

Cezar and Léia said...

This post is so adorable, there is a sweet story behind the pictures and cool reflections!
Léia - Bonjour Luxembourg

Ebie said...

A beautiful and humorous post! Thanks for taking the time to take the night time reflection. They are beautiful.

I do try to experiment on motion shots, and you did this very well!

Happy Holidays!

Martha Z said...

I like the effect you got with the moving camera.
We have a neighbor who uses the same prop for various holidays and I plan to post that soon. It will be appreciated by folks with difficult HOAs.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Your squiggly style is very effective. I remember once mykids did it on a birthday cake.

Merry Xmas

Ezhilan said...

The Santa Claus looks nice. The photos taken with the motion, looks like images made by light threads and form beautiful patterns.

✿France✿ said...

Passe de bonnes fêtes bon Noël

Ayie said...

i am enjoying now seeing the lights also in our neighborhood. So xmas feel all around!