Saturday, December 5, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” ~Buddha

To see more shadow shots, visit Hey Harriet.


Sylvia K said...

Ah, cats always look so wise to me and this would seem to be wisdom on four paws! What a great shot/shots!

Enjoy your weekend!


Quilt Works said...

awww so cute! you got a good looking kitty cat

... "Simplicity is beautiful"

Patti said...

Wonderful photos ~ I'm wondering how you created the effect in the second one. I'm not too technical!

Great shadows in both. Thanks for stopping by!

Ralph said...

What a regal looking kitty (aren't they all??). The shadow of this special feline seems to make him seem deeper in person, if not in thought. The effect of the multitude of cat views appear as if a star - The cat as the star of the abode. I'm sure he agrees with me!

Gaelyn said...

That second shot is very creative Diane. Nice shadows with your cat playing along.

Diane AZ said...

I should mention that's our cat Billy. He's about 18 years old. The quilt-maker in me can't seem to resist playing around with shapes and patterns in Photoshop, that's how the star came about.

Quasi Serendipita said...

That's very cool!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

I love your photos of the cat!

Unknown said...

Nicely done!

Have a nice weekend, Evelyn

rainfield61 said...

The second photo is good.

Have a nice Sunday.

Lindy said...

Such creativity...and a very beautiful cat!

Hey Harriet said...

I love that second image that you created. That's neat! Cute Billy cat! Oh and I enjoyed the Buddha quote too :)

Dimple said...

The second shot is really neat! I see the shape of the shadow from Billy's ear repeated in the star. I'm not usually one for manipulating images much, many times all I do is crop mine, but this works well.
Thanks for the visit!

Carletta said...

He's a handsome kitty!
Nice processing of the second shot.
I love playing with software too.

Cherry said...

the Buddha quote rings a bell and your photo creation is awesome! happy Sunday, Diane! :)

whizkid said...

OOh! cool looking cat. how did you do the second photo? its fantastic :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a beautiful cat! I love the effects in the second shot

XoXo said...

I was thinking you had 5 cats, funny of me. That's a cool collage Diane.

Anya said...

Hi Billy
Nice to meet you
I am almost 12 years
we are so young ........ LOL
Fantastic shots your Mommy make

Kareltje =^.^=

robin. said...

...i was thinking "kitty" in my sss too!! tho mine is of the not so real kind!! great shadow. cute kitty cat!

Jen said...

Happy SSS Diane-
This is the cats meow!

penny said...

A perrr-fectly delightful shadow shot, Diane. I love the cute star of the show.

MyMaracas said...

How wonderfully creative! I love the way you've made the photo in to a quilt patch design.

Ezhilan said...

I like the star shaped image and the different positions of the cat.The cat has an interesting expression in the first photo.

Maia T said...

Beautiful close-up in the first shot and a great framing in the second one.
I love the Buddha quote, I always believed it but very few of us achieved it.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful post.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, I didn't know you had this blog--or I would have been here before today... I have just switched...

I love great photography shots also--so I will enjoy this blog.

Ricepatty said...

Those are so neat! What a pretty kitty :) I hope someday you can come to the drum circle in SW FL!!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Beautiful kitty ... interesting second shot with wonderful shadows. Great accompanying quote too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Leora said...

Your cat creation is marvelous! Fun and clever.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Nice treatment of the images! Very creative!

BLOGitse said...

wow, very nice SSs!
Have a nice week!

Loree said...

That cat must be thinking up something naughty.

Rinkly Rimes said...

What a fascinating feline composition!

DoanLegacy said...

What a cute cat, and the shadow is fantastic.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful quote! And so true.

I wonder what the kitty is thinking.