Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skywatch - Last Saturday

Greetings from Tucson, Arizona! This was how our sky looked last Saturday at 7:00AM, 2:30PM and 5:20PM. Pretty amazing how much the sky can change in one day.

Early the next morning we enjoyed some much needed rain.

To see more skies from around the world visit Skywatch Friday. Thanks to the Skywatch team for hosting this fun meme.


Annie Jeffries said...

I just love the drama and moods of a changing sky.

Icy BC said...

Beautiful sky, Diane! The cloud behind the tree is fantastic!

Martha Z said...

Great skies, I think I like the mid-day sky the best.

Elisabeth said...

Very nice selection. It is amazing how the sky changes from one minute to the next. I like these very much...thanks for sharing.

Photo Cache said...

lovely trio of images. share some more.

Unknown said...

Awesome photos! :)

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures, Diane! Stunning colors and awesome clouds! Thanks as always for stopping by and your comment, I do appreciate them!

Have a great weekend!


EG CameraGirl said...

I wish I could get my act together and do a post with the sky throughout the day! Great idea!

Eve said...

What a great set of photos! The sky really did change a lot - but it looks like it was a beautiful day from start to finish!

Unknown said...

I love the way you presented the pics - same place at different time. All the pics are great.

LV said...

Very pretty sky sights for today. I find they change sometimes before I can get my camera. You did very well.

eden said...

Hi Diane,

Those are lovely shots. It so wonderful to capture those moments in a day. Wish I could see the same here..

Happy Weekend

eileeninmd said...

Wow, Diane ! These are awesome sky photos. The top two are my favorites. I love the color in the left top one and the clouds are really cool in the top right.Great photos and well done.

DoanLegacy said...

All three photos are so dramatic, and beautiful!

Jossie said...

The sky is never boring. Wonderful pictures!

rhoen said...

beautiful skies, beautiful shot!

Happy skywatching and happy weekend!

Gaelyn said...

It could have three different days. That's why the sky is so much fun to watch, change that we can really see happen. Excellent captures Diane.

Anonymous said...

I like the effect of these three photos combined into a mosaic, especially since they are images you captured in a single day!

Larry D said...

Wonderful photos!

SandyCarlson said...

Your skies are very beautiful.

Carolyn Ford said...

What a grand day you had! Beautiful beyond beautiful!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. Nice color of the sky.

Visit Kumbalgarh, the Unconquered Fort

lazyclick said...

Marvelous shots.

Ezhilan said...

It's interesting to watch the different types of clouds in a day. The white clouds look like cloud screen.

Victoria Tsavdaridou said...

Nice shot Diane, Very nice color changes through day!!! thanks for sharing. Thank you for your comments, Have a nice SWF

Julie said...

Yee-hah! Look at that second photograph in your montage. What a tremendously complex set of shapes go to make up that cloud. My guess is that it was very cold and it was very windy.

Good shots.

Robin said...

Wow, it's like three completely different days, each beautiful but utterly distinct.

Loree said...

Wow. Very dramatic.

Eric said...

Some very Nice Moods!!

Happy SWF.


Anonymous said...

Those are bold sky photos. I like the scene at the bottom.

Brookville Daily Photo

penny said...

Hi Diane,
Your sky shot over Tucson are gorgeous. I like how you arranged them from dawn to dusk in the collage.

rainfield61 said...

The sky is in fact so unpredictable.
Unpredictable beautiful.

Prospero said...

The sky, the perpetual canvas of the gods.

Louis la Vache said...

Very nice Sky Watch collage!

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Wow ... such WONDERFUL variety in your sky photos this week! Marvelous mosaic ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Carletta said...

What a day!
Stunning skies from beginning to end!