Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Visitor

Hello, please see my current Wordless Wednesday here. :D

For more wordlessness, visit Wordless Wednesday.


Lindy said...

Fantastic close-ups of a beautiful Cooper's Hawk!

Anonymous said...

love the photo of the hawk!

Sunny said...

What a handsome visitor. Great pictures.
Sunny :)

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Beautiful visitor, and such a great looking one!

Loree said...

Great close up. A very nice looking bird.

Lance said...

These are really great photos, Diane! I especially love the close up, and the green near his beak.

storyteller said...

What MARVELOUS photos you've captured and shared! Methinks my favorite is the first, but they're all wonderful ;-)
Small Reflections

XoXo said...

I kind of like the bird's expression on the last photo...:)

Canine Crusader said...

Wow! amazing and you look so close! Happy WW!

My Wordless Wednesday

Gaelyn said...

Wow Diane, that first capture is stunning! Pro quality! What a beautiful hawk, that stare so dramatic, right into your soul. This must be the hunter. Coopers?

cieldequimper said...

Wordless, huh? Well, I'm speechless!

Ayie said...

the first shot looks so innocent and the last was like confused!

this is the friendliest face of this bird I've ever seen! I always see fierce look

Betsy Banks Adams said...

No words needed for sure, Diane. Great picture of the hawk... What EYES..

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...


I want to have a camera like yours, and then you can teach me.

Are these hawks in the wild?

Jeannette StG said...

Amazing Pics, Diana, crisp, clear and the right angles! Did the hawk see you?

Diane AZ said...

Ann and Jeannette, the hawk was wild and it did see me, but it let me take pictures for several minutes. It looked kind of friendly compared to most of the hawks I see.

Unknown said...

Good photos Diane. In the first photo, it looks like a schoolteacher, not saying anything but just watching. In the last, it seems to be saying "huh? I don't get it"...

Jen said...

Great pictures!
But I don't think these are Chihuahua friendly birds, so I hope I don't get one here in N KY. ;)

SquirrelQueen said...

A very handsome fellow and your photos are amazing. You captured his expressions, and those gorgeous eyes. I can never get close enough even with the telephoto to do this. Great photos.

Stephanie said...

The hawk looking right at you? What a outstanding photo! Have another great day Dianne!

Robin said...

Wow, that first shot is amazing!

DeniseinVA said...

Great capture of a very handsome visitor Diane. Spectacular close-ups!

Icy BC said...
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Blessing Reflections said...

Amazing visitor, and so handsome!

Tell Me Thursday said...

Oh wow - amazing photos! He's beautiful!

catsynth said...

Great close-up portraits. The hawk is quite handsome :)

Beth F said...

Great captures -- amazing that it let you snap those photos.