Saturday, January 9, 2010

Palm Shadows

Morning sunlight and palm tree shadows grace St. Augustine Cathedral on Stone Avenue in downtown Tucson, Arizona.

For more Shadow Shot Sunday pictures, visit Tracy at Hey Harriet.


storyteller said...

All the photos are lovely but the first in my favorite because of the perspective. I do love the palm trees. Your desert palms stand straighter than the ones here at the beach ... that lean toward (rather than away from) the ocean and prevailing winds.
Hugs and blessings,

Lindy said...

Great shadows on a beautiful subject.

Cheryl Ann said...

Very pretty! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful palm tree shadows! I love the architectural of the church, Diane!

tom sullivan said...

The first one is my favorite,too. Moreover, I find it interesting that a shadow is (to my eye) the dominant feature.

rainfield61 said...

You have very peaceful shadows this time.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

They are all great, Diane... But--that first one is AWESOME.... Great shadow pictures.

Martha Z said...

Wow, great shadows Diane. How nice to have sunshine.

DoanLegacy said...

Beautiful shadow photos!

Golden West said...

What a glorious church - I love southwestern architecture and you captured it beautifully.

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic shadow shots, Diane! The church and the palm trees are gorgeous! I, too, love southwestern architecture and you have indeed captured it beautifully! Have a great weekend! Enjoy!


Anya said...

Diane I love the palm tree shots
Amazing shadows !!


Maggie said...

This is my first time here at Shadow Shots and I'm so enjoying looking at what everyone else has shared.
The strong sunlight creates much deeper shadows than those I captured in the snow. Truly stunning.

bobbie said...

I love these beautiful photos. Such graceful shadows.

Gaelyn said...

Love the way you captured those shadows and the church is very picturess.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Beautiful architecture and the shadows line up perfectly with the building.

betchai said...

combination of beautiful architecture and palm shadow shots, Diane.

Tes said...

beautiful architecture! lovely shots!

Unknown said...

Nice cathedral... I like the golden structure against the clear blue sky.

Serendipity said...

Wonderful series of shadows. I especially like the second one :)

Ralph said...

What lovely shadows. The southwest architecture and stucco are so different than the white churches on the town green here in New England. The palm makes an elegant impression on the sepia building, Jesus looks like the king he is with his brightness of being which is magnified by the shadow behind. All wonderful subjects, perfect for SSS!

Lance said...

I love the contrast between the sunlight and the shadows on these. The palm tree shadow on the first picture is especially mesmerizing.

Carol said...

Great shots and shadows, Diane. Marvelous light.

Amanda at 32˙North said...

These are stunning!

Deb said...


Carolyn Ford said...

Fabulous palm shadows set in golden hues! These are beautiful!

SquirrelQueen said...

Wonderful shadows Diane, the beautiful cathedral makes the perfect background. I especially like the first shot.

Cherry said...

the first photo is picture perfect! you always take awesome shadow shots, Diane. have a great Sunday!

Hey Harriet said...

What an amazing set of photos. So beautiful! My fave one is the first, but love them all!

Helen said...

I must say these are some of the loveliest and nicely composed shadow shots I've seen ...... I love AZ and you showcase Tucson perfectly.

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

What a beautiful church Diane and I love the shadows you have captured on it.

Naqvee said...

b'fully captured Diane, can you just zoom the fourth shot and post it again! its so heavenly!

Dianne said...

the palm in the center of the building is wonderful!
nature is such a fantastic artist and you caught it perfectly

A Wild Thing said...

I have a similar photo of a palm taken on the side of a building in St. Augustine cool is that...

Anonymous said...

The palms make such lovely shadows, especially on this beautiful building. Well done!

Jen said...

Great shadow shots Diane!
and a beautiful church building.

Stephanie said...

The tree shadow look so cute on the wall/building and espcially over the statue. Very good shots! I like all of them - equally.

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

You noticed them so well, and showcased them so nicely!

Nice pictures Diane :)

Rays of Hope

Ezhilan said...

The shadows and the golden light on the Cathedral looks beautiful. In the first photo the shadow are perfect. I like the view points of the first and third photo.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Beautiful shadow shots Diane and church architecture is simply gorgeous.

I noticed that Palm trees in your place grows taller like our date palm trees here in UAE.

A blessed day to you.

Birgitta said...

I really like your shadow shots here!

Chubby Chieque said...

Hello Diane,
A bit late here but am here anyways.

These photos are amazing. AM loving all of them. So strong captured shadows, means that you have a wonderful sunny day.

Happy SS

Ayie said...

Palms cast great shadows because of the nice leaf pattern it has all bundled up.