Friday, January 8, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Dam

The end of the week is a nice time to reflect on recent events. One of the highlights of the week was visiting the dam with Jen from Unglazed. If you haven't already visited Jen's Unglazed blog, check it out and I'm sure you'll appreciate her sense of humor, love of nature and gorgeous bird photographs. She also hosts A-Z on Monday. I'm grateful to Betsy of Joyful Reflections for introducing us.

This is Sabino Creek at the top of the dam. The water level is low for this time of year, but at least there was enough for reflections. I was fascinated by the cactus in the distance.

When I went by the dam a couple of days later, I found the cactus still reflecting in the water, but it wasn't as sunny as when Jen was with me. See how subdued the colors are below:

For more Weekend Reflections posts, visit James at Newtown Area Photo.


Sunny said...

Lovely reflections, especially the cactus.
Sunny :)

Icy BC said...

The photos are excellent as always, Diane! I love the reflections in both images.

rainfield61 said...

You always look for reflection. Have you seen yourself being reflected? It must be a real fun!

Jen said...

This is your best post ever. :D ha!
Headed out for my morning walk now...

Gaelyn said...

Marvelous reflections, even the second one. Guess I really need to get down your way for a true desert fix.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Great photos, lovely reflections. I like the second photo especially the reflections of the cactus, it is bigger than the first one.

Happy weekend Diane.

Prospero said...

A desert and water! An odd combination. Those are saguaros? Mine will never look like that - they say they grow about an inch a year. Yours must be quite old!

Carol said...

Great shots, with beautiful reflections. I love the cactus, which we don't have in my part of the country. The first shot enlarged is gorgeous.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great post Diane... The reflections in the water at the top of the dam are beautiful.

Love your header also.

gracia said...

Great shot.. very nostalgic. Love it. Visit my rainbow also.

Thérèse said...

The reflection of a saguaro in water is not an everyday catch! :)
A very nice reflection.
Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a difference a few days can make!

Ayie said...

Oh, I love the reflections, so clear!

very nice shots!

happy weekend!

Serendipity said...

That cactus reflection is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I like the horizontal composition (and the saturated colors) of the first.

Ebie said...

Lovely fall colors in the middle of winter!
Great lighting on the reflection, too!

James said...

These are really great and the cactus is fantastic. Wow!

Gena @ thinking aloud said...

Love the first reflection, more so because of the colour of the leaves - gives the image great dimension!

Hilda said...

I've never seen cacti that big! Fantastic! Lovely reflections too.

Happy weekend!

Self Sagacity said...

Those pictures are gorgeous! Very nice captures! You must have a great camera.

cieldequimper said...

Diane, these are a dream!

Ezhilan said...

The cactus look like,as if they are behind a screen. The place is different.

storyteller said...

Both are beautiful reflections and seem unusual for the desert where most reflections tend to be 'mirages' ... I do love seeing your world shared so beautifully.
Hugs and blessings,

Kat said...

These are beautiful reflections. The cactus is really spectacular and makes for such an interesting reflection. Wonderful! Kathy

BaysideLife said...

I love how the arc of the tree in the first photo almost touches its reflection. The cacti, seen beyond the branches of the tree are almost ghostly, the reflection is clear. Lovely photos.

Unknown said...

OOh, I like the first photo very much

Carolyn said...

Wonderful reflections and colour. Love the cactus.

eileeninmd said...

Awesome reflections, the cactus reflection is just awesome. Well done!

Regina said...

Beautiful reflections!

Great shots.

Julie said...

i am leaving this comment on cactus monday.....this is a stunning photo of these giant saguaros reflecting!!! very cool.

DoanLegacy said...

These are gorgeous reflections! What a wonderful world we live in..