Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cactus Picnic Area – Snapshots





cactus picnic 02


jean luc said...

Thanks for sharing that kind of wonderful landscapes and nature pics ! A beautiful serie , Diane !
Hzve a nice day

Stephanie said...

Gosh that javelina, a kind of wild boar? I wonder how that they bite those cacti pads? Wonderful to see all these unique animals and things. Thanks Diane!

rainfield61 said...

Do you mean that the cacti are foods of those animals?

(How cruel a Wordless Wednesday is to me).

Small Reflections said...

Love the sign and the marvelous photos ... nice to know the desert critters enjoy 'picknicking' too. Love the way you framed and presented your photos ... lovely post.
Hugs and blessings,

Brenda's Arizona said...

I like the 'polaroid' layout! Which park/range were you picnic-ing at?

Diane AZ said...

Stephanie - Yes, the javelina is a peccary, similar to a wild boar.

Rainfield - Yes, these animals do eat cacti and other plants too.

Brenda - This is at Sabino Canyon in the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson.

Jo said...

Diane, the javalina is a first for me. I love your mounted photos. And the "half-eaten meals"...
Thanks for sharing this wonderful post.

Martha Z said...

So this is a picnic area for the critters and the cacti are the meal. Great post!

Anonymous said...

wonderful photos of that animal desert life!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great pictures of the Cactus Picnic area.. Love the critters, especially the white-tailed deer. His ears are huge!!!!!

Thanks for sharing.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

Wow, u encountered the animals? cool...

Diane AZ said...

Willie - yes, I saw all of the animals, but not on the same day.

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos

Tes said...

Oh wow, Diane, those are beautiful shots. You are lucky to have captured them. I like the desert cottontail, so cute!

Jen said...

Critters gotta eat.
Fantastic photos!

Ayie said...

eaten cacti?

wow those animals there are cute =)

Ebie said...

The squirrel said Yum!

PJ van Zyl said...

lovely set
first time I have seen a javelina

Mumzie said...

Oh my those little critters ate the plants! I love your little hens and chickens. The desert has beautiful colors. Thanks for sharing. Yvonne

Loree said...

That jack rabbit is just too ocute but so are all the other animals. Good shots.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Great captures Diane, as always. I like the javelina (so cute!) and the cacti mosaic.

Have a great day.

Lance said...

That is such a cute picture of the javelina!!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

How beautiful those animals are! Your pictures are just fantastic, Diane.

Thérèse said...

Who is the guilty one?

Regina said...

Those are amazing Diane! Such nature delight.

Have a lovely day.

Lindy said...

Mmmm, yummy! Prickly Pear! I think a javelina has stopped by to munch. Beautiful photos of all your animals, but especially the deer and javelina.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to me how much life there is in the desert. Your photos are proof of that!

DoanLegacy said...

That was wonderful to see your collection of animals. Beautiful photos..

Anya said...

The nature is wonderful :-)
Yes I didn't know that animals could eat a piece from the cactus !!!
Great shots :-)

SquirrelQueen said...

A great source of food and moisture, the perfect picnic for desert dwellers. Great captures on all the animals. The javelina is a first for me too, very interesting animal.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks for sharing all these wonderful photos!
Greetings from Sri Lanka!!

Jannie Funster said...

So pretty, Diane!

I always feel so good after seeing all your wonderful images.

And why am I now hungry for cactus?? :)


Joanne Olivieri said...

What great shots and the cottontail is precious.

Prospero said...

Needless to say - don't sit on the cactus!

So that's what a Javelina looks like! I only have an Angelina...

Self Sagacity said...

Little that these guys know - they are featured in your cool blog!