Friday, March 19, 2010

Reflections of the garden center

Last week I popped into the nursery for some flower seeds.

I noticed reflections in a puddle of water and realized this might be the last time this area sees rain until the summer monsoon season.

Here’s the same puddle from the other direction. 

The nursery kitty was so friendly, it was hard to get its picture as it kept walking towards me.  I made a little collage of the cat and some flowers and used the reflection effect on Windows Live Writer.

nusery 03

For more fun with reflections, visit James’ Newtown Area Photo.


SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

Love the reflections Diane. This time of year it is fun to walk around the nurseries and plan a summer garden.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, Great pictures ... The water reflections are great.... Love the kitty---and the flowers are SO pretty.

Have a great weekend.

Loree said...

I love reflections and yours are great. It's amazing that you will soon not get any rain but we also won't get much more, maybe a few more days in March and April. After that it usually more or less stops.

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Oh the reflections are just fantastic, and I love all your flowers! Our nurseries around here are still bare.

Blessing Reflections said...

Beautiful reflections! Gorgeous flowers!

Anya said...

Love your pictures
I wish I could go shopping there !!
The cat photo is the best ..... :))

Unknown said...

Lovely photos. A perfect place to go...

Anonymous said...

Puddles make great reflections. I really like your colourful!

Regina said...

Beautiful reflections Diane. Love the blooms. Great composition and captures.

Enjoy the weekend.

Pat said...

Great reflections in the puddles! Your collage is nice, too! You've got the rain that we had in Mesa, too!

Thérèse said...

Yes we can feel Spring in the air... I was at the nursery too... and haven't finished planting what I bought. It feels good.

Hilda said...

Beautiful flowers and pretty kitty! I love the reflection of the big beautiful tree — it looks like it has white foliage because of the fluffy white cloud behind it!

rainfield61 said...

The refelction of a tree on the puddel of water looks very interesting.

Kat said...

Nice series, and what a great place to spend a warm sunny day. I love the geometric quality of the third shot. But my favorite is the kitty, she's so pretty! Kathy

Rajesh said...

Great shots. Wonderful reflections.

Jannie Funster said...

Hard to imagine such a lack of rain, we get so much here, and will for the next two months.

I LOVE the Pansy effect in the collage!


James said...

Very nice pictures. I like reflections but you have so many other nice things to see.

Joanne Olivieri said...

I love wandering around nurseries and that reflection puddle shot is amazing. Such gorgeous flowers.

Anonymous said...

Lovely colorful views and wonderful reflections too.
Hugs and blessings,

Ayie said...

curious cat looking at the flowers?