Thursday, March 18, 2010

SWF - Nice day for a walk

I just got back from my morning walk.  I was kind of looking for wildflowers. 

Although there were not many blooming things to see, there were lots of green things

and singing things with wings.








I turned around when I got to the bridge because I didn’t feel like getting my feet wet.

On the way back I saw this group of young people on their way into the canyon.  They looked prepared to stay a while as they carried backpacks and musical instruments.  The weather forecast for this area is: Abundant sunshine. Warm.  

See what the sky looks like in other parts of the world at Skywatch Friday, hosted by Klaus, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy, and Sylvia.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh---wouldn't I love to be in that canyon listening to their music, Diane!!!!!!

You did see some singing things and some green things---even if you didn't seen any blooming things. It won't be long I'll bet.

We have sunshine today... YEAH!!! The Crocuses have opened!

Anonymous said...

I envy your walk route, very interesting.

Loree said...

Lots of running water and nice green things. said...

Hi Diane, I am so curious about Arizona and the cactus...very good..and nice shots..congrats and HAVE A NICE WEEKEND

Martha Z said...

Your river is still flowing, I see. It shotens your walk but helps green your world.

Johnny Nutcase said...

Great pictures! I love the photo of the Black-throated Sparrow, great birds :)

Kcalpesh said...

Natural beauty is what always makes a place worth visiting... In your pictures I see that beauty in abundance... Lovely captures!

Pixellicious Photos

Ebie said...

A lot of things to see in your desert, very different than ours. The river flowing makes the walk so refreshing!

Eaglesbrother said...

Great photo's..soon the desert will be alive with life and wildflowers...a real place of desert beauty.

Light and Voices said...

Pinch me! What wonderful desert skywatch Friday images.
Joyce, IL, U.S.A.

SquirrelQueen said...

My favorite thing about your walk is the beautiful blue sky. No blooms yet but it won't be long.

Elisabeth said...

Love the bird perched against the blue sky...soon the desert will be alive with color. Nice captures!

Creativity--Bits and Pieces

eden said...

What a lovely place! I love the green surroundings. Great shots!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

A beautiful place. The cacti looks so nice and the bird shot too. Very clear blue sky...lovely!

Have a great weekend.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Diane, where were your walking? Your scenery is so near ours - are we neighbors???

Diane AZ said...

Hi Brenda, I do most of my walking in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains north of Tucson. You're right, the scenery is similar yours. :)

LV said...

What a great place to visit or hike. If it is warm, I would like to stay a week.

Carolyn Ford said...

What a fabulous weather report for a hike in a desert canyon. I would want to join them to see what kind of music they would be inspired to play! What a nice place to walk.

Regina said...

Great walk and looking up!
You are so blessed with such amazing surroundings.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Stephanie said...

I would have take out my shoes to cross that bridge ;-) I want to feel the water also. Cool!

Piyush Garyali said...

The sky is so blue and vivid as if it were canvas. Not a hint of clouds. AZ must be quiet dry these days.

Nice shots!

LadyFi said...

Such a vibrant blue sky and lovely scenery.

Janet said...

What beautiful shots! Certainly a place to relax and gather ones brain together! I love the clear blue sky - would love to visit one day!

rainfield61 said...

I like to walk.

I enjoy the walking with you.

You will then discover a singing "thing" without wings.

DoanLegacy said...

Gorgeous sky and a wonderful walk to your world..Love the cacti in your beautiful pictures!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

I always love the desert feel in your photos, Diane..It gives me mental trip to a world than is totally different from mine..

Gorgeous photos!

Thérèse said...

And if I understand the news the snow hasn't started to melt yet... so be prepared to have even wetter feet!
I love the views.

Christina, Sweden said...

seems to be wonderful walking areas, thanks for showing, would like to se them "for real"

Christina, Sweden

Joanne Olivieri said...

Diane, that bridge is beautiful and I would have been on there getting my feet wet. I LOVE your little birdie shot, he's precious.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...

nice photos.

Maia said...

Beautiful blue sky in your desert.
I like those cactus trees, and the little bird too.

James said...

Even without wildflowers these pictures are so beautiful. The sky is amazing!

Prospero said...

Pleasant walk, Diane.

Meryem said...

It is only dream for me walking in canyon and desert.Pictures are very lovely thank you for sharing them with us.

Laura said...

Thanks for the walking tour! Beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

It's great to see the kids outdoors enjoying the sunshine and great weather. The desert looks so inviting right now.

hrg at Sacred Ruminations said...

Thanks for sharing your walking views under these beautiful blue skies with us ... just lovely! It's been warm here at the beach too ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Anonymous said...

And what here to speak that?