Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Nest

Thank you all for your good wishes and congrats for my daughter, son-in-law and new grandson in Massachusetts.  I enjoyed sharing the news of the happy event and it was awesome to receive comments from near and far, all around the world.

Now, back to the desert:

A mourning dove was sitting on a nest on cholla cactus.
Below, it looked like a king snake was trying to get to the nest.
But the snake wasn't moving.
Two days later, the snake was gone.  If you look carefully at the nest below, you can see a baby bird next to the dove.
The following day the young dove was alone in the nest. 
And now the nest is empty.
(You can click on the pictures to enlarge and click again to make even bigger. )


rainfield61 said...

I wonder why but it was lucky that the snake never go further up for its meal.

cieldequimper said...

Dramatic post! And sweet too, Mrs Grandma! :-)

Martha Z said...

Amazing that they can nest in the cactus.
I love the picture of Victoria and Tyler in your sidebar. I think I'll grab it for my collection.

Loree said...

Ugh that snake. I am terrified of snakes but I know they are also beautiful in their own way.

Lindy said...

I had absolutely no idea that a snake would crawl into a cactus, much less a cholla. That is one tough snake!

Beautiful photos of the dove and its baby.

Tracy said...

Aack! I don't like snakes. I was rooting for the baby birdie all along.

Anya said...

I was looking to your
WONDERFUL daughter and grandson :-)
looks so
lovely and sweet !!!!!
Thanks for sharing
your first baby shots with us...

(I was almost forget to look at your new post .... LOL)

Fantastic shots from the dove
and YES I can see baby dove :))))
Unique shots Diane !!!!

Have a nice day proud Grand Mommy

Torsdag 1952 said...

It is wonderful to see which storys the nature is producing.

... and all the best to the young man, the prents and grandparents.


Anonymous said...

Smart bird to make a nest way on top of the cactus..Good thing the snake didn't get to it..Beautiful photos, Diane, and congrats on becoming a grandma.

Susan Ellis said...

Beautiful photos! I love Mourning Doves, cactus, and yes, King Rat snakes..not because they're lovely, but because so many people fear them that they're now endangered. It's all a circle folks..really..we all need each other to maintain balance.

Unknown said...

Life! Beauty and terror.
Thanks for your beautiful photoes.

Julie said...

What an incredible place for a nest! And to think a snake can weave it's way up a cholla!!! Oh gosh...you just can't be safe anywhere, can you??? :)

Have a wonderful time when you go to see your new grandbaby! Mom looks so young in the sidebar...but I guess every mom looks young compared to the grandmas (me)!!! LOL!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Diane, Congrats again on the birth of little Tyler. I know you can't wait to get to see him and hold him...

Love the Doves ---and that baby is such a cutie...

I hope the snake didn't do any damage to the nest.

Thanks for sharing the nest and the baby Dove.

clairz said...

Very dramatic post. Wonderful shots. Can't wait to see what you post from Massachusetts.

Gaelyn said...

I guess a cholla nest provides good protection.

Warren said...

great picture sequence!! and congratulations on your new grandson!

PJ van Zyl said...

amazing catch

Luzia said...

I´m a little bit late.... but congratulations to you and your son! And the babybird on cactus si sooooooo sweet. Greetings from Luzia.

Thérèse said...

Circle of life!

Anonymous said...

I enlarged your photo of the mom and baby - absolutely amazing. Adorable. Superb. Wonderful. Beautiful. Wow.

Stephanie said...

Congrats first! Love that baby and mom shot ;-)

Bird nest and snake on a cactus? How ironic? I think is could only happen in the desert where everyone is use to cactus spike he he...

Joanne Olivieri said...

I am not a snake fan and happy it did not get to the nest. Nesting on cactus, wow, brave little ones. Fantastic shots and story, I enjoyed this.

The Retired One said...

Wow..we have all kinds of doves here in the U.P. (Upper Peninsula) of Michigan..I had no idea they nested in cacti! That is amazing...wonderful shots of the snake and baby bird in the nest, too!

betchai said...

these are again amazing desert shots, Diane, you are so lucky to be able to observe them everyday

sandy said...

That bottom photo, wow!

Self Sagacity said...

There was a lot going on! The snake went away? Or was it something the dove did to scare it away? The little bird flew away? Was it being protected by the dove? hummm...

SquirrelQueen said...

There is new life all around. A very dramatic series of photos, the little dove is so cute. I know the snakes have to eat too but I'm glad this one didn't succeed.

Ayie said...

this post has so much stry behind the photos