Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Watery Wednesday - Bird

A California Towhee enjoys a watering hole at Torrey Pines Natural Reserve in San Diego.

Linking to Watery Wednesday a fun meme hosted by 2sweetnsaxy.


PJ van Zyl said...

last one esp is lovely

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

the towhee preening
itself in little rock pool—
frail body, strong soul

WW: Cattails

Magpie said...

That's a beautiful set of pictures. He looks like he's wanting a little privacy. :)

rainfield61 said...

It has found its heaven.

Tracy said...

Oh, I love the last one! Rub a dub dub!

Clytie said...

He is adorable!

on the middle photo ... enlarged ... the wing on the left ... look! It's a heart!!! I would love to feature this on a future Guest Heart Thursday. May I???

Judy said...

Wow!! I love the way you have zoomed in on the little guy, and his expression in the last photo!!

Gaelyn said...

Looks like a great place to soak. Our sparrows enjoy a similar bath near the feeders.

Stephanie said...

A natural birdbath. How nice! I am surprise to see this bird not afraid of water... he's cute ;-)

Shirley said...

So cute!

Kim, USA said...

Ohhh this is so cute. A natural bird bath.
Watery Wednesday

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

He's so cute. It must be great to look at him, bath.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute little bird, Diane... Love that last picture especially... The Towhee is an adorable little bird.


As a usual beautiful photos and wonderful post!
Thank You very much for so beautiful posts!

Loree said...

A perfect place to bathe.

cieldequimper said...

A natural bath. How absolutely wonderful!

angryparsnip said...

What a wonderful pictures, the last one is so fun, it looks like he is saying please... bath time here !

cheers, parsnip

NatureFootstep said...

how sweet. It really seem to enjoy it. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

Watching birds bathe is such fun!

Julie said...

Oh my gosh...that last pic is just too cute for words!!! What a fantastic shot!!!

Martha Z said...

He seems to be enjoying his bath. I'm sorry we didn't get to Torrey Pines, maybe next time.

Allison said...

So cute! He is just darling!

Jeannette StG said...

Love this little birdie in the last pic! So cute!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

Isn't that cute? It's fun to watch birds in the water..

Lindy said...

Great images, and that last one certainly is cute!


I think I have not seen it before...

Joanne Olivieri said...

Look at that precious face. I love him.

Janie said...

The towhee looks like he's enjoying his bath. Great photos.

Unknown said...

So cute! Especially on the bottom pic. Great captures.

Ayie said...

time for a bath!