Friday, November 19, 2010

Reflections of Autumn

The creek has pretty much stopped flowing for now, but the pools of still water reflect the colors of the season, such as they are in the desert.

Catch more Weekend Reflections here at James' Newtown Area Photo.


angryparsnip said...

After the heat of Summer... Autumn is such a relief and much need in Arizona.
Your photos are spot on as usual !

There is lots of Fall color in my yard. All the fruit on the citrus trees are turning from green to several shades of yellow to bright orange.
Fabulous !

cheers, parsnip

Nefertiti said...

magnifique !

Sylvia K said...

Breathtaking shots, Diane! The colors, the very still reflections -- they all look like paintings! Awesome! Have a great weekend!


Crafty Green Poet said...

such lovely photos!

James said...

The best kind of reflections just beautiful!

Malyss said...

Simple but so beautyful..the place looks so peaceful!

'Tsuki said...

Very impressive... We can taste the quality of the silence there... Superb !


Wonderful photos! I liked all of them.

Jeannette StG said...

A pool in the desert -that's cool! Great to visit your blog via this meme;)

Clytie said...

That last picture is what tugged at my heart today. The little minnows dancing with the refractions and reflections of the sunlight. Beautiful!

Kim, USA said...

The first one is my favorite. Very amazing reflection. Happy weekend!
Weekend Reflection-The orchid

Gabriela Abalo said...

stunning reflections!

greetings from Uruguay :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Magnificent landscape there and this set of pictures is wonderful!Thanks so much for sharing!
Have a nice weekend,

Gaelyn said...

That still seems like a lot of water for the desert. Nice reflections and I like to see the little fishies.

cieldequimper said...

Hmmm so so lovely. Autumn here this year is grey in grey now. Grey foggy. Have a great weekend!

shirley said...

The top photo could have been taken in the gorges of Central Australia this is so similar.

Icy BC said...

Wow..these are beautiful, Diane! The reflections and the fishes are fantastic..

Annie Jeffries said...

Pretty and peaceful. Reminds me of Cuyamaca State Park in San Diego County.

rainfield61 said...

The second last picture tells the blue sky is not too far away; otherwise go see him in the water.

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful place to capture in a photo. And the water looks so clear.

Shirley said...

I wouldn't have guessed these photos were taken of the desert. They are so beautiful and alive.

Thanks for stopping by The Gardening Life.

Magpie said...

Oh, I love fall and these photos show it off in all it's glory.

Stephanie said...

I see autumn brings about different hue of colours for you. It must be so wonderful. And I hope the temperature is cooler for you.

Janie said...

Beautiful reflections in the clear water! And great shots of the fish, too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Fabulous photos, Diane... Love that first one ---but I like them ALL... The reflections are GREAT.

Love seeing the pictures of your grandbaby... When will you see him again?

Sunny said...

Gorgeous reflections; the first picture is amazing.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.
☼ Sunny

Allison said...

What beautiful color! Will you have your family with you for Thanksgiving, Diane? I sure hope so. xoxo

indicaspecies said...

Pretty and serene.

Maia said...

Beautiful series of reflection photos. What a gorgeous landscape you have there.

When I think about the desert, I imagine it being just sand. It seems that in your parts is just oasis.

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent series of reflections, Diane!

Dani said...

very very beautiful photos. I really love the first one.

Happy weekend.

Rohrerbot said...

I love our creek here. Thanks for sharing the pics....certainly one of the best times of the year to be living in Arizona:)

Lindy said...

Gorgeous! Your first image should be enlarged and framed. Reminds me of the many off-road excursions Mike and I took when we were new to Arizona. Fingers crossed that we won't be too old for that sort of thing by the time we return - LOL!

Martha Z said...

Lovely, Diane. I hope some of this rain comes your way to send your creek flowing again and make your desert bloom. We enjoy the rain but hope is is gone by the time Eric and family head up for the holiday.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

Very beautiful photos.

Springman said...

I am partial to the third pic, very unusual!

Barb said...

Gone fishing! TJ looks very pleased with himself!

Julie said...

You sure can catch some great shots!!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful locations! Great colours and shots too.

Anonymous said...

The colors are so beautiful. And do not seem you does much effort to get those pictures, it really makes things look easy :D

Ayie said...


happy thanksgiving!