Monday, November 30, 2009

Today's Flowers - Aloe

Aloe is one of the easiest plants to grow in my desert garden.

They're one of the few ornamental plants that javelinas (wild pig-like animals) won't munch on.

These succulents thrive during drought, though the leaf tips often dry out and curl.

There are hundreds of species of Aloe, most are native to Africa. The ones in my yard are sometimes referred to as Aloe vera, but I'm not sure if they are.

No matter what they're called, hummingbirds love them.

To see more flowers from around the world, visit Today's Flowers hosted by:Luiz Santilli, Denise Gullickson, Laerte Pupo and Valkyrien.


  1. I have grown aloe in my kitchen but never, never knew it has a flower! And such a pretty colour, too.

  2. I didn't even know what aloe looked like until now. I'm used to having it in creams, lol! The photo of the hummingbird is gorgeous!

  3. That's beautiful flowers! The photo with the bird is exceptional.

  4. Sorry about the previous comment, I made a boo boo in spelling.

    Beautiful flowers and color!

  5. Beautiful Ruby blossoms! I don't know that I've ever seen Aloe in bloom so thanks for sharing. Those last photos with the hummingbird are WONDERFUL. Thanks for dropping by Small Reflections earlier ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  6. Hi Diane
    Lovely to have flowers on the Aloe. Wish a hummingbird would visit mine :)

  7. I used to plant aloevera. Now? Lost interest in it. But i know aloevera has some medicinal value.

  8. that hummingbird pic is so cute- Aloe Vera - handy to have around , if you have a burn on your skin!

  9. I love to see the hummers visiting their natural food. I think it must be better for them than what is in the feeders.

  10. A beautiful plant, I like to have aloe around for burns and to reduce bruising.
    Love the captures of the hummers.

  11. Pretty flowers. Aloes thrive really well here too. We have one in our yard.

  12. Interesting plant. Aloe.
    Thanks for sharing and for visiting me too

    Have a nice day
    Gunilla in Sweden

  13. Hi Diane. I don't think that that's Aloe vera. As you say, there are hundreds of Aloes. I've grown many from seed. The tree Aloes are really nice.

  14. The two pictures with hummingbird are my favorite. You are so good to have captured it.

  15. Wonderful photos. It's a lovely plant and such a pretty bloom. Loved the one with the hummingbird also. Thanks for sharing.

  16. hummingbirds are so fun to see, you are such a good photographer because it's hard to keep a steady of those tint flutters


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