Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Sky over Snake Bridge

Greetings from sunny Tucson, Arizona! This post is for Skywatch Friday.

Diamondback Bridge is a pedestrian bridge which crosses over Broadway Boulevard in downtown Tucson. The outside of the steel bridge is painted to look like rattlesnake scales.

Pedestrians and cyclists can enter through the mouth between the fangs...

or through the other end. The tail has a motion sensor which triggers a rattle sound.
Rattlesnake Bridge was part of a fun one-mile race on December 19Th which also went through Basket Bridge. The sky was clear and blue which is typical for Tucson. To see other skies from around the world click the Skywatch Friday icon below.


  1. Hello Diane, Wow---that Snake Bridge really is a SNAKE.. ha ha..... I would love to see it l--but don't want to see any LIVE snakes..

    Happy New Year.

  2. Oh what a beautiful bridge, Diane, and the sky is gorgeous.

    Have a wonderful and great New Year!

  3. How unique! I really like the Snake Bridge but I can't say the same for the real thing!
    Happy New Year!
    Sunny :)

  4. Happy New Year Diane and I am glad to have found your blog...
    The "Diamondback bridge"! Wow. We haven't been in Tucson in a while... a must. I am hoping the Phoenix baseball team is not going to move to Tucson because of it! :)

  5. Here's another one I've driven under but never walked through. I'm way overdue for a return trip to Tucson. I'm not fond of rattlers, but I'm sure this one would be tame enough!

  6. MORE fun stuff in Tucson. I really need to return for a visit. It has been too many years, no! decades, since I've been there.

  7. Wow how interesting - a rattlesnake bridge. Happy new year Diane.

  8. Oh Wow Diane, those are beautiful photos and great perspectives, just the perfect ones for the Skywatchers. Have a happy new year!

  9. Great shots of an awesome looking bridge - I also like the Basket Bridge post. The bridges where I live are boring, although I did get a picture of a real snake back in September. Happy New Year.

  10. Nice post! We spent a couple of winters in Tucson, but this bridge is new to me, either we missed it or we were there too long ago (which is definitely true in any case -- those blue skies make me so envious. (we're in grayish Oregon right now). thanks for sharing! Happy New Year.

  11. What a terrific bridge! I love it! And perfect against those blue skies! Wishing you a very Happy New Year! Enjoy!


  12. i love the concept of the rattlesnake bridge, Diane. very interesting. i sure would want to try crossing that bridge one day.

  13. Cool bridge, I love the tail.

    Happy New Years.

  14. Good shots of an Artistic there is beautiful too.

    Have a Great New Year.

  15. Neat, I love both these bridges. I wish you could send some of those blue skies this way.

  16. What WONDERFULLY unique bridges in the Tucson area. I must remember to see them in person the next time I'm in the area. That rattlesnake bridge is so kewl ;-)
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs and blessings,

  17. Wonderful skies!
    Happy new Year Diane.
    I wish you the best!



  18. That's a very cool bridge under you clear blue sky. Love the idea of a rattle, and the shadows are also nice.

    Happy New Year and Beyond!

  19. Great bridge shots! Happy New Year!

  20. Very beautiful bridge. Very different.
    Wish you Happy & Prosperous New Year.

  21. It sure does look like a snake slithering over the river. That was a wonderful idea for a bridge in the desert.
    Happy New year to you and your family, Diane.
    Thanks for your visits and kind comment in 2009. They were very much appreciated my friend.

  22. Now that's a creative bridge! I bet little kids love it! Great SWF posts. Happy new year to you!

  23. Happy New Year! Very creative skywatch Friday entry. Nice job!
    Joyce, IL, USA

  24. Happy New Year, Diane.

    That is one cool bridge and shows off well against the pale blue sky.

  25. The third one is great in the eye of your camera.

    Happy new year, and Bon Voyage.

  26. Excellent shots of the blue sky and the bridge. Love the shadows too..

    My entry

  27. What a unique bridge. Lovely clear blue sky.

    Happy New Year Diane. Wishing you a prosperous, peace and love-filled 2010.

  28. That is a really cool bridge, it would be fun to walk between those fangs.

    Happy New Year!

  29. Happy New Year Diane, and best wishes to you and yours.

    This is a great structure. I love the 3rd photo very much - the shadow on the ground is great.

  30. Happy 2010!
    What an amusing bridge - it's one way to overcome fear of rattlesnakes, I suppose ;-)

  31. The bridge structure is interesting. Nice captures.
    Wish you a Happy and prosperous New Year!

  32. Hi Diane! It does look like a snake! beautiful shots! Happy New Year, girl! *hugs*

  33. Hello Diane. I love the colors in the cactus of your header too.

    This is just to wish you a fantastic 2010. May it bring you much joy and happiness.

  34. I wish we had some of your beautiful blue sky here. ;-) Nothing but clouds for the next few days.

    You remarked on my blog that pollution seems strange in the countryside...alas! I wish our air was cleaner here. Pollution moves north from the US up the Mississippi valley, but the US is not the total blame. I live in the fastest growing part of Canada...which means cars, cars, cars. Toronto, less than an hour away, is the fourth largest city in North America. ;-(

  35. Wow..what a beautiful bridge, and the shadow are out of this world!

  36. that's a very nice bridge, I'd love to see that too!


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